One Great Northern Diver was at Inismurray Quay, Kildysert. (John N Murphy)
Saturday 25th January 2025
Among the birds seen during the Branch outing to Seafield this morning were 80 Purple Sandpiper, nine Chough and one Grey Plover.(Tom Lynch, Charlie Lyons, Robin Shoosmith)
There were three White-tailed Eagle at Lake Atedaun.(Maura Crowe, Basil Dervan)
At the Flaggy Shore six Red-throated Diver, 30 Great Nortnern Diver, and two Long-tailed Duck were present.(Jeff Copner)
Four Black-throated Diver and two Red-throated Diver were at Finvarra.(JC)
There were 18 Red-throated Diver at Aughinish.(Charlie Lyons)
Thursday 23rd January 2025
Two Buzzards were at Edenvale, Ennis this afternoon. (Anthony Whyte)
Thursday 23rd January 2025
A Buzzard, ten Mallard, two Teal, three Snipe, four Redshank, a Kingfisher and two Little Egrets were on the Maigue at Adare. A Buzzard was also in the area (Geoff Hunt).
Two Common Sandpipers were at the Charleville Lagoons(TT).
A Dipper was on the Maigue at Croom (TT).
Sunday 19th January 2025
One male Great Spotted Woodpecker was at Granaghan Castle, Fenloe Lake. (John N Murphy)
The drake Ring-necked Duck is still at Fenloe Lake. (JNM)
The young female Marsh Harrier was at Lough Cullaun. (James Organ)
Saturday 18th January 2025
One Grey Phalarope was at Lisscannor. (Nick Larter).
One Spotted Redshank and four adult Mediterranean Gulls were at Corronroo Bay. (John N Murphy)
Off Aughinish Island there were two Black-throated Divers, four Long-tailed Ducks and another adult Mediterranean Gull. (JNM)
A flock of 44 White-fronted Geese were at Lough Muchanagh. (JNM)
One Red-throated Diver, four Goldeneye and a Marsh Harrier were at Lough Cullaun, the Burren. (JNM, Chris Cullen)
A Peregrine was over Clarecastle village.(James Organ)
Four Goldeneye, 25 Greylag Goose were at Lough Muckanagh.(Charlie Lyons)
There were seven Yellowhammers at Tubber.(JNM & CL)
Two White-tailed Eagles and 50 Greylag Geese were at Termon Lough on the Clare/Galway border (MC) along with one
Friday 17th January 2025
The Black Redstart was still at Kilkee. (John N Murphy & Paidi Cullinan)
One Chiffchaff and a Buzzard were near Moyasta. (PC)
The Common Sandpiper was at Clarecastle Quay this evening. (JNM)
Four Goldeneye were at Lough Muchanagh. (Maura Crowe)
One Buzzard was at Inch with another near Lack West. (JNM)
One Buzzard was at Carneally House. (Julian Crimmins)
Thursday 16th January 2025
The Black Redstart was still at the west end of Kilkee. (John N Murphy)
One drake and one hen Ring-necked Ducks were at Kilkee Reservoir. (JNM)
A male Marsh Harrier and Buzzard were at Tooles Lough. (James Organ)
One Crossbill and a Buzzard were near Tullabrack. (JNM)
One White-tailed Eagle and a Merlin were near Lough Cullaun with another White-tailed Eagle near Kells. (JO)
One male Hen Harrier was at Poulnasherry Bay. (JNM)
A flock of 40 White-fronted Geese and four Yellowhammers were near Tubber. (Maura Crowe)
One Buzzard was near Templemaley.(MC)
One Buzzard was near Lack West.(JNM)
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