Clare Bird Sightings

Saturday 4th November 2023

One Waxwing and two Brambling were at Kilbaha, (John N. Murphy, Chris Cullen & Tony Mee) along with one Chiffchaff and one Goldcrest.
Off the Bridges of Ross this morning there was one Puffin, seven Sooty Shearwaters, one Red-throated Diver and two Great Northern Divers. (CC)
At the tip of Loop Head this afternoon there was one Merlin, 30 Sooty Shearwaters and two Red-throated Divers. (JNM & CC)

Friday 3rd November 2023

Two Spotted Redshanks were at Robertstown (John N Murphy).
A Common Sandpiper was at Foynes (JNM).
Buzzards were at Bunlickey and Clarina (JNM).

Friday 3rd November 2023

Two White-tailed Eagles were at Lough Muckanagh. (Maura Crowe)
The Swallow was still at Fenloe Lake. (Frank McGeehan)
Two Purple Sandpiper were at Clahane.(Geoff Pearson)

Thursday 2nd November 2023

At Ross, Loop Head this morning between 09.30-11.00 there were nine Sooty Shearwater, two Manx Shearwater, eight Great Northern Diver, four Common Scoter and between 3000 and 3500 Kittiwake.(John N Murphy)
One Black Redstart was at Kilkee.(JNM)
There were 22 Sooty Shearwater, one Manx Shearwater and two Great Northern Diver at Illaunonaraun.(JNM)
One female Blackcap was at Ross, Loop Head.(JNM)
A Chiffchaff and a Buzzard were at Kilbaha.(JNM)
One juvenile Arctic Tern was at Doonbeg.(JNM)
A Snow Bunting was at the top of 12 O’Clock Hills.(Maura Turner)
One Swallow was at Fenloe Lake. (Frank McGeehan)
One Hen Harrier was at Cree. (JNM)
A Short-eared Owl was at Lough Muckanagh.(Ray Glynn)
There were 12 Whooper Swans at Moynoe. (Brendan Cooney)

Wednesday 1st November 2023

At the Bridges of Ross between 10.00-13.00 there were eight Sooty Shearwater, 13 Manx Shearwater, four Great Northern Diver, two Red-throated Diver, one Puffin, around 1000 Auks per hour and 500 Kittiwake per hour.(Geoff Pearson)
At Black Head between 10.30-12.00 there were 14 Sooty Shearwater, nine Manx Shearwater and one Pomarine Skua.(Paul Troake)
Twenty Nine Common Scoter were at Coolshiva.(PT)

Monday 30th October 2023

A Yellow-browed Warbler was at Kilbaha.(Chris Cullen)
There were six Chiffchaff between Kilbaha and Feard.(CC and Tony Mee)
Three Buzzard were at Kilbaha.(CC & TM)
A Peregrine was at the Lighthouse, Loop Head.(CC & TM)
A Short-eared Owl was at Loop Head.(TM)

Sunday 29th October 2023

Two White-tailed Eagles were at Lough Muckanagh this morning. (Maura Crowe)
One adult male Hen Harrier was near Bella, Cross this evening. (John N Murphy)
One Chiffchaff was at Kilbaha. (JNM)
Two Jays were at Roxton, Corofin. (Mark Rutledge)
Two Common Sandpiper were at Inismurray Quay.(Chris Cullen)
A Barn Owl was at Kilbaha this evening.(Pearse Ryan)

Saturday 28th October 2023

Two juvenile White-tailed Eagle were at Tubber.(per WCWL)

Friday 27th October 2023

The Cattle Egret was still in the same area but viewable from the road now.(Jeff Copner)

Thursday 26th October 2023

The Cattle Egret was still at the Corkus, Lahinch this morning.(Jeff Copner)
A Barn Owl was at Dysart tonight.(James Organ)

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