Clare Bird Sightings

Wednesday 25th October 2023

The Cattle Egret was still at the Corkus, Lahinch.(Geoff Pearson)
A Brambling was at the corner in Clahane.(Jeff Copner)

Tuesday 24th October 2023

One Waxwing was at Primerose Gardens, Clarecastle. (Eric Shaw)
A Cattle Egret was at Kilshanny River north of Lahinch.(Geoff Pearson, Jeff Copner)
A female Short-eared Owl flew south-east from Fanore this evening.(Jan Biemans)
A Pink-footed Goose was at Ross Bay.(Tom Tarpey)
Two Hen Harrier, two Buzzard, a Kestrel, two Chiffchaffs and 43 Snipe were at Kilbaha.(TT)
A Sooty Shearwater, three Manx Shearwater and three Great Northern Diver were at Loop Head.(Dixie Collins)
A male Hen Harrier was at Cross early this afternoon.(DC)
A Barn Owl was at Clarecastle.(Chris Cullen)
There were seven Whooper Swan at Drumcliffe this evening.(Nuala and Tom Lynch)

Monday 23rd October 2023

One Chiffchaff was at Seni Costelloe’s garden in Kilbaha with an immature Arctic Tern flying around the harbour. (John N Murphy)

Monday 23rd October 2023

Two Whooper Swans, 33 Wigeon, 30 Teal, four Shoveler, 22 Lapwing and nine Curlew were at Camas, Bouff (Geoff Hunt and Tom Tarpey).

Sunday 22nd October 2023

15 Gadwall, 23 Teal, 11 Tufted Duck, 18 Coots and 25 Little Grebes were at Coonagh (TT).

Sunday 22nd October 2023

One Brambling was at Clahane. (Jan Biemens)
Two Red-throated Diver were at Kilmacreedy, Liscannor.(Jeff Copner)

Saturday 21st October 2023

Saturday 21st October 2023

Snow Bunting at Cloghaun Lough John N Murphy

A juvenile American Golden Plover was at Clahane.(Geoff Pearson)
At Cloghaun Lough there was one Snow Bunting and the Long-tailed Duck. (John N Murphy & Chris Cullen)
At Kilbaha, Loop Head this morning there was one Chiffchaff, one Buzzard, one Goldcrest, one 2CY Mediterranean Gull, one Arctic Tern, one Great Northern Diver flying south over the village, 120, Fieldfare, 100 Redwing and three Siskins. (JNM & CC)
One Wheatear was at Kilkee. (John Collins)
One Sooty Shearwater was north of Kilkee. (JC)
At the Lighthouse and surrounds there was another Snow Bunting, one Merlin, 60 Blackbirds, 80 Redwing, 60 Fieldfare in the grounds of the lighthouse, one Great Northern Diver flying north and two Manx Shearwaters heading south. (CC & JNM)
A colour ringed Black-headed Gull was also in Kilbaha (yellow leg band black letters TLW5).(JNM) This bird was ringed in Poland as an adult in 2019, was seen again in Poland last June, seen in Holland in two separate autumns and has spent three of the last four winters in Limerick City. (per Tom Tarpey)
Two Jays were at Kilrush Woods. (JC)

Friday 20th October 2023

Friday 20th October 2023

Great White Egret Clonlea John N Murphy

A Great White Egret was at Clonlea Lake, Kilkishen.(John N. Murphy)
Two Brambling was at Doonbeg today. (Nuala Shanahan)
A Jack Snipe was at the Fodry, Loop Head.(Geoff Pearson)
One drake Pochard, two Greater Scaup were within a flock of 60 Tufted Ducks. (JNM & Davey Farrar)
A Merlin, one Buzzard, 30 Redwing, 20 Fieldfare and 10 Song Thrush were at Loop Head.(GP)

Thursday 19th October 2023

Thursday 19th October 2023

Long-tailed Duck © Tom Tarpey

A pair of Ring-necked Ducks and a Whooper Swan were at Kilkee reservoir. (Tom Tarpey)
A first-winter Long-tailed Duck was on the sea at Claughaun Lough, Kilbaha.(TT)
One White-tailed Eagle was at Lough Muckanagh. (Maura Crowe)
One Chiffchaff, a Swallow, one Goldcrest, three Goldfinches and Mistle Thrush were at Kilbaha.(TT)
There were 81 Golden Plovers, 39 Curlew, two Redshank, a Greenshank and 21 Shags at Ross Bay. (TT)
There were four Red-throated Diver and 55 Common Scoter at Lahinch Bay.(Geoff Pearson)
Around 450 Golden Plover were at Clahane.(GP)

Wednesday 18th October 2023

Wednesday 18th October 2023

Common Sandpiper at Clare castle John N Murphy

A female Taiga Merlin hunted and caught a House Sparrow at Ross, Loop Head this afternoon. (John N Murphy)
Four Ring-necked Ducks (two pairs) were at Kilkee Reservoir this afternoon with four Whooper Swans. (JNM & Austin Cooney)
A Common Sandpiper was at Clarecastle Quay.(JNM)

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