Clare Bird Sightings

Saturday 10th August 2024

A seawatch at the Bridges of Ross between 08.15-12.15 produced 18 Cory’s Shearwater, ten Sooty Shearwater, one Great Shearwater, one Arctic Skua, one Pomarine Skua, six Storm Petrel, two Arctic Tern, 27 Sandwich Tern, one Puffin and 4392 Manx Shearwater.(Chris Cullen et al)

Off Ross Ringing Station there were four Great Shearwater, eight Cory’s Shearwater and two Arctic Tern.(John N. Murphy)

Two White-tailed Eagle were at Tubber this evening.(Maura Crowe)

Friday 9th August 2024

At the Bridges of Ross between 05.50-12.30 there were eight Wilson’s Storm Petrel, 735 Cory’s Shearwater, 14 Great Shearwater, 14 Sooty Shearwater, around 20,000 Manx Shearwater, 30 Storm Petrel, three adult Long-tailed Skua, 12 Arctic Skua, five Pomarine Skua, two adult Sabine’s Gull, one Grey Phalarope, 16 Puffin and 70 Whimbrel. (Niall Keogh, Alan Lauder, Victor Caschera, Jeff Copner, Chris ten Bohmer, Daniel Moloney, Geoff Pearson et al)

From 13.00-16.30 at the Bridges of Ross there were 3 Pomarine Skua, two Arctic Skua, one Long-tailed Skua, 200 Cory’s Shearwater and ten Sooty Shearwater. ( Chris ten Bohmer, Victor Caschera, et al)

Thursday 8th August 2024

At the Bridges of Ross this morning there were two Pomarine Skua, two Arctic  and 50 Storm Petrel.(Jeff Copner)

A seawatch between 18.25-20.35 produced one Wilson’s Storm Petrel, 38 Cory’s Shearwater, three Great Shearwater, 95 Sooty Shearwater, 9675 Manx Shearwater, 35 Storm Petrel, three Arctic Skua, one immature Pomarine Skua, 13 Arctic Tern and 32 Whimbrel.(Alan Lauder)

Wednesday 7th August 2024

One Scopolli’s Shearwater was picked up flying alongside a Cory’s close to the shore off Ross Ringing Station (09.30)(John N Murphy)

At Ross Ringing Station between 06.00-09.00 there were three Wilson’s Petrel, 50 Storm Petrel, over 200 Cory’s Shearwater, ten Sooty Shearwater, 6000 Manx Shearwater per hour, one Long-tailed Skua, seven Pomarine Skua, five Arctic Skua, three Common Scoter and 16 Arctic Tern.(John N. Murphy, Johannes Laber)

Between 9.30 and 12.00 at Ross Ringing station there were 12 Wilson’s, Storm Petrels, over 300 Cory’s Shearwaters, two Great Shearwaters, 15 Sooty Shearwaters, two Sabine’s Gulls, five Pomarine Skuas, three Arctic Skuaa and ten Arctic Terns. (John N Murphy & Johannes Laber)

1 Fea’s/Desertas Petrel west @ c08:53 (C.Cardiff, N.T.Keogh et al)
11 Wilson’s Stormies (N.T.Keogh, B.McCloskey & N.Keogh)
400+ European Stormies
780 Cory’s Shears
32 Great Shears
59 Sooty Shears
c27,500 Manx Shears
1 Blue Fulmar
7 Long-tailed Skuas (2 adults + 5 imms)
29 Pom Skuas (light morph adults + subadults)
16 Arctic Skuas
1 Great Skuas
7 Sabine’s Gull (3 adults + 4 subadult types)
15 Puffins
1 adult Roseate Tern
95+ Arctic Terns.
(N.T.Keogh, N.Keogh, B.McCloskey, J.Dowdall, S.Holland, C.Cardiff, J.Proudfoot, P.Troake, G.Pearson, E.Flynn).
A two hour watch (15.00 – 18.00) off Ross Ringing Station in the afternoon produced one Wilson’s Petrel, one Sabine’s Gull and ten Sooty Shearwaters. (JL)


Tuesday 6th August 2024

At the Bridges of Ross between 06.50-19.50 there were 5 Wilson’s Storm Petrel, (G Murray, N. Keogh, N.T. Keogh and John N. Murphy) 35 Storm Petrel, 1110 Cory’s Shearwater, 12 Great Shearwater, 60 Sooty Shearwater, 17 Pomarine Skua,(15 light/2 dark adults)  13 Arctic Skua, one Sabine’s Gull, (sub-adult type), one Grey Phalarope, 25 Puffin and 75 Arctic Tern. There were good numbers of Manx Shearwater-17500 in five hours this afternoon/evening.(GM. P.Phillips, JNM, NTK. NK, Jim Dowdall Geoff Pearson and S. Holland.)

Off Ross Ringing Station between 17.30-20.00 there was one Wilson’s Petrel, (18.30) 68 Cory’s Shearwater, seven Sooty Shearwater, seven Arctic Skua, two Pomarine Skua, two Storm Petrel, 45 Black-tailed Godwit and four Arctic Tern.(JNM)

An adult Peregrine was hunting at Cullenagh, Ennistymon this afternoon.(James Organ)

Monday 5th August 2024

At Ross Ringing Station between 09.45-11.45 a seawatch produced one Wilson’s Petrel(10.39), one Great Shearwater, 11 Cory’s Shearwater, one Sooty Shearwater, over 7000 Manx Shearwater, one Great Skua, one Storm Petrel, two Arctic Skua, two Sandwich Tern and five Whimbrel. (John N Murphy)

At Black Head between 07.15-11.30 there were 65 Cory’s Shearwater, six Arctic Skua, one Pomarine Skua, one Great Skua and four Storm Petrel.(Paul Troake)

At the Bridges of Ross between 14.50-17.50 a Long-tailed Skua, four Cory’s Shearwater, one Arctic Skua, one Sooty Shearwater, 19 Whimbrel, 102 Fulmar, 37 Gannet, 35 Kittiwake, two Guillemot, 19 Oystercatcher 4580 Manx Shearwater and one Cormorant were observed.(Chris Cullen)

At Rinevilla/Kilcredaun a Whimbrel, one Common Sandpiper, three Little Egret and 80 Sandwich Tern were seen.(CC)

Saturday 3rd August 2024

A South Polar Skua was seen at the Bridges of Ross at 17.23 . If accepted this a first land based record for Ireland. A second Irish and first Clare record.(Gerard Murray, Brian McCloskey, Cian Cardiff, Victor Caschera, Jim Dowdall, Ger Walsh, Sean Doherty, Christen Bohmer.)

Barolo’s Shearwater was off the Bridges of Ross at 10.05.(Niall Keogh et al)

A second Barolo’s Shearwater was seen at 12.10. (Noel Keogh et al)

A third Barolo’s was seen at 14.50.(NK et al)

The seawatch at the Bridges of Ross between 05.45-19.30 also produced three Wilson’s Petrel,  one Long-tailed Skua, three Pomarine Skua, three Arctic Skua,  two Great  Skua,  1110 Cory’s Shearwater , nine Great Shearwater,  two Balearic Shearwater,  34 Sooty Shearwater,  one Blue Fulmar,  23 Sandwich Tern,  12 Arctic Tern and 80 Puffin.(B McC, JFD, CC, GM, VC, GW, SP, NTK, NK, BP, ET, CTB, SD, JC, DM, EM, TC)

Friday 2nd August 2024

A Wilson’s Petrel flew past Ross Ringing Station at 10.35.(John N. Murphy)

At Ross Ringing Station between 07.20-08.20 there were 15 Cory’s Shearwater.(JNM)

An all white albino Hen Harrier was in the field at Ross Ringing Station.(JNM)

Off Ross Ringing Station between 14.15-15.15 there were two Great Shearwater, three Sooty Shearwater, two Arctic Tern, five Sandwich Tern and 11 Storm Petrel.(JNM)

Between 06.00-08.00 there were 18 Cory’s Shearwater, one Sooty Shearwater and 12 Common Scoter.(Tony Cully, Dara Cully.)

A Scopoli’s Shearwater was off Loop Head at 15.25. ( Vittorio Cashera, Dan Mantle, Jim Dowdall, Niall Keogh et al)

Between 11.45-19.30 1120 Cory’s Shearwater, 25 Great Shearwater, 35 Sooty Shearwater, 42 Storm Petrel, 10 Arctic Tern and 20 Puffin were recorded.(TC, DC, VC, DM, JD, NK et al)

Thursday 1st August 2024

The Pacific Diver was still off Black Head today.(Barry Howell)

There we’re five Cory’s Shearwater and 25 Whimbrel off Ross Ringing Station in Loop Head this evening.(John N. Murphy)

A Hen Harrier was at Kiltumper.(Cliff Baxter)

A Great Spotted Woodpecker was at Caherhurley.(Ben Ryan)

Wednesday 31st July 2024

The pacific Diver was off Carnsefin this morning 1.5 km NW of Coolshiva along with 18 Great Northern Diver, 45 Cory’s Shearwater and one Storm Petrel.(Paul Troake)

The Pacific Diver was seen in the same area at 4p.m. along with 12 Cory’s Shearwater.(Jeff Copner)

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