Clare Bird Sightings

Loop Head Bird Observatory 1987

Loop Head
Bird Observatory

By Phil Brennan
Over the past 10 years, the Bridges of Ross on the Loop Head Peninsula, has become established as one of Ireland’s best seawatching sites. In 1985 it showed its potential as on observation site for migrant land-birds, and 1986 proved that the records of the previous year were no mere ‘flash-in-the-pan’.
This success has not been without its difficulties, however. Coverage has often been sporadic and mainly confined to weekends, due to the lack of accommodation for most visitors. Distances were also a problem, with most of the regulars living over 60 miles away, at least. It was with great good fortune, therefore, that the Burrows and Sides families allowed the rental of Kilbaha Cottage for the 1987 autumn season. This made it possible to run Loop Head on bird observatory lines, for the first time.
The seabird colonies at the Head were counted twice during the summer and a Heligoland trap was also completed. From August 25th to November 14th, 49 days coverage was achieved. October received the most attention, with only four days missed.  The end of August had five days coverage, September nine and early November ten.
Bird ringing took place on 29 days. Some seawatching visits may have gone un-noticed. About 22 people in all stayed in the house, but well over 49 visited. Without a resident warden, it was very important to get experienced watchers and ringers to man the site. The people who filled this role made the season a success, despite rather thin pickings for some of them. The group who travelled all the way from Languard Bird Observatory in Suffolk and those who came long distances within Ireland deserve particular credit.
Weather Patterns:
This autumn confirmed the importance of S/SE winds for Loop Head. However, it was W/SW winds that dominated for most of the time. S/SE winds occurred at the following times:
End August           ………….          30th, 31st.
September           ………….           1st, 2nd, 19th, 27th to 30th.
October          ………….                1st to 4th; 28th to 31st
November          ………….            1st to 7th 

It is a rather interesting co-incidence that these winds predominated at about at about the same time each month. The site was not manned, unfortunately, on the first two days in September. Some birds of interest were present every time S/SE winds were recorded. The south-easterlies in late Sept/early Oct and in late Oct/early Nov were the results on each occasion of High pressure areas crossing the Atlantic eastwards and eventually producing a S or SE swirl of wind over Ireland, extending at least as far as Biscay. The exceptions to the rule were Lapland Bunting and the Wryneck that turned up in unlikely conditions. For seawatching, the season as a whole was very disappointing. Despite excellent sightings on Sept. the to 9th and Nov 8th, the frequently windy conditions at other times did not produce the usual good results. The mid-September winds that were so fruitful were part of an intense depression that was centered north of Scotland, bringing airs from deep in the north Atlantic. It may be that the winds at other times were of too local an origin to produce good seabird passage.

The Season’s Progress

The end of August was disappointing, with even the expected Willow Warblers very scarce, as the were to remain for the rest of the Autumn. Two Garden Warblers on Aug 31st were the only birds of note. September started well and 22 Leach’s Petrels and 4 Sabine’s Gulls on the 6th. Visiting seawatchers again did well on the 12th when a Lapland Bunting was found. It was the seawatch of that day that made the journey worthwhile, with 26 Sabine’s, 126 Bonxies, 94 Leach’s Petrels and 32 Artic’ Skuas. Good numbers of Sabine’s Gulls were again recorded on the following two days, and the 16th saw 2 Black Terns. The SE winds on the night of the 18th brought Pied Flycatcher and the site’s first recorded Turtle Dove. The following days produced nothing of interest, but a Wryneck on the 26th improved this picture.
Sept. 29th saw the first falls of Goldcrests, falls that were to continue up to Oct. 9th. Goldcrests were very scarce in ‘85/’86, but this period had daily numbers of 15 to 40. The SE winds at this time were somewhat neutralised by regular rain, but when this stopped, one of the best periods of the season began. From Oct 4th to 10th, Richard’s Pipit, Scarlet Rosefinch, Whinchat, Redstart, Pied Flycatcher, Roseate Tern, Balearic Shearwater, Sabine’s Gull, Leach’s Petrel, Iceland and Glaucous Gull, Pintail, Snow Bunting and Garden Warbler were recorded. A large amount of effort in seawatching at this time did not produce the results normal in such windy weather, and the strong trans-Atlantic winds failed to result in any arrival of the American birds that were seen elsewhere.
Until the next period of SE winds (from Oct. 28th), the observers present had a lean time, with regular Garden Warblers and Snow Buntings among the few highlights. There were the inevitable wry comments about the health of the local Dunnock population!  The end of the month produced the first evidence of the oncoming winter, with the arrival of Fieldfare, Redwing, Brambling and Blackcap and with especially good numbers of Song Thrushes from the 27th onwards. The same day produced a Spotted Flycatcher and a late Whitethroat was seen on the 28th. A Hobby and two Black Redstarts were seen on Nov. 1st, giving hope that all was not yet over. Siskin appeared and Blackcap Chaffinch, Brambling and Song Thrush were more common, with 140 of the latter seen on the 7th. that day will be best remembered however for the sightings of Red-rumped Swallow, Ring Ouzel, Siberian Chiffchaff and the continued presence of the Hobby.
The season ended with seawatches  that included Little Gull, 12 Great Northern Diver in one count and Black-throated Diver. The late October Spotted Flycatcher was still present on Nov. 14th.
In all 137 species were recorded from May to November. A most welcome addition to this list was Corncrake, which had not been heard in the area for some years. It was also satisfying to see the healthy state of the local Chough, Peregrine and Raven populations. The formerly fairly common Tree Sparrows were almost totally absent, however.


My thanks to all those who made the ’87 autumn season so successful.
Special thanks
–         to the Burrows and Sides families for the generous use of Kilbaha Cottage 
–         to the caretaker Michael Bonfil and Mrs. Bonfil for being so tolerant of all our

          comings   and goings;
–         to Tony Mee and John Murphy for all their work, especially on the trap;
–         to the Languard BO group
–         to Ken Perry;
–         to David Duggan,
–         to Gerard Duane,
–         to Tom Tarper,
–         to Philip Buckley,
–         to Gerry Butler, 
–         to Ewart Jones for all his encouragement;
–         To all the people who visited and contributed their records;
–         To all the land-owners who allowed access to their property
–         to all the people of Kilbaha for their hospitality and
–         to the Donnelly family for same;
–         and special thanks to my wife, Noreen
Ringing totals, Loop Head, 1987






Storm  Petrel     1   1
Sparrowhawk     1   1
Merlin     1   1
Redshank     1   1
Woodpigeon 3       3
Swallow 16 15 1   32
Meadow Pipit   4 23 4 31
Rock Pipit 1   5   6
Grey Wagtail     2 1 3
Pied Wagtail 3 4 7 2 16
Wren 3   7   10
Dunnock     15   15
Robin 17 7 15   39
Whinchat     2   2
Stonechat 1 4 10 1 16
Blackbird 10 11 12 2 35
Song Tthrush 10 5 15 7 37
Redwing     6 1 7
Sedge  Warbler 3       3
Whitethroat 1 3     4
Garden warbler 2   4   6
Blackcap   1 6 3 10
Chiffchaff     6 3 9
Willow Warbler 2 2 3   7
Goldcrest 2 6 44   52
Spotted Flycatcher     1   1
Pied Flycatcher   1 1   2
Coal Tit   1 2   3
Blue Tit 6 8 10   24
Great Tit 3 1 17   21
Magpie     2   2
Starling     1   1
House  Sparrow     1 1 2
Chaffinch     9 5 14
Greenfinch     2 1 3
linnet 3   11   14
Reed Bunting 6 8 19 1 34



From Aug 25th to Nov. 8th, 468 birds of 37 species were ringed. Ringing took place on 32 days, but due to adverse weather, 10 or more birds were trapped on 18 days in all. Ten ringers and trainees visited the site in ’87.
A Helgoland trap was built over the old bog road near the sallows in May/June. It is 18’ at the mouth and about 60’ long. It caught fairly well in Aug/Sept, but disappointed in October. However, it trapped a good variety of species, including Sparrowhawk . It seemed to have a preference for Dunnocks, unfortunately, 8 to 10 nets, mainly ‘sixties’, were normally operated and the trapping area extended from Kilbaha Cottage to the trap gully.  Though several were seen, no major rarities were trapped. However, birds such as Pied Flycatcher, Siberian Chiffchaff, Merlin and Whinchat added to the quality. Goldcrest was the bird of the autumn, with 52 ringed in a succession of ‘falls’. Numbers of Song Thrush, Garden Warbler, Blackcap and Stonechat were good. Willow Warbler numbers were disappointing.
No effort was made to catch Storm Petrels due to lack of amplification equipment. One tape-lure effect with Meadow Pipit showed good potential for this species in future years.

Many Thanks to the ringers for all their efforts

Great Northern Diver: 2 singles, in Oct; 12 on Nov. 8th (in 1½ hrs.), 2 on 11th & 3 on 14th.
Black-Throated Diver: One bird, on November 14th.
Diver SPP: One unidentified diver was seen on Oct. 15th.
Little Grebe: One, at Cloghaun Lough, Oct 31st.
Fulmar: Generally scarce. The October numbers on seawatches varied from 3 to 151, but 1257 were counted on Nov 8th in 1½ hours. Counts of 300 and 600 were had in late Sept. and 2335 on Nov 11th was the highest count.
Manx Shearwater: 2280 in an hour on Aug. 25th was the best count, with 346 on Aug 26th and 300+ on Sept 6th. Recorded regularly in small numbers in Oct.  – seawatches with a best count of 33. 15 were seen on Nov. 8th
Balearic Shearwater: One was seen off the Bridges of Ross on October 6th.
Sooty Shearwater: 180 per hour were counted on Sept 12th and 100 o the 6th. The Mid-October counts produced a best of 33 (twice). 50 were counted in 1½ hours on Nov 8th and 4 on Nov. 11th
Storm Petrel: Very few recorded. A single bird was seen on Aug. 27th, 3 on Sept. 6th, one on Oct 3rd, 2 on Oct. 8th, one on Nov. 11th. The Oct. 3rd bird was found on a trawler after fog.
Leach’s Petrel : Seen on seven days, with a very good count of 94 on Sept. 12th.  22 were seen on Sept 6th, with 3 to 5 seen on the other four occasions. There were four September and two October records, with one in November.
Gannet: The strongest passage was on Oct. 7th, when 5850 passed in 6 hours. 1122 passed in three hours on the previous day. 200 or more were counted on 12 days in October. 364 were seen in 1½ hours on Nov. 8th.
Shag: Regular in small numbers. Highest count of 14.
Cormorant: Seen on most days. Highest count of 14.
Grey Heron: Seen on most days. 5 was the highest recorded.
Mute  Swan: Two records, each involving two birds, at Cloghaun Lough, on Oct. 5th and 10th.
Whooper Swan: One in Kilbaha bay on Oct. 11th.
Brent Goose: Two sightings. 5 on Oct. 5th and 10 on the 7th.
Barnacle Goose: Five sightings in all. 3, 15 and 35 were seen on Oct. 7th, 8th and 9th respectively, with one on Oct. 15th and 10 on Nov. 14th.
Grey Goose SPP: 16 unidentified grey geese were seen on Oct. 6th.
Wigeon: One record, on October 6th.
Teal: Seen on 15 days. Maximum of 15. Cloghaun Lough the main haunt.
Mallard: Seen on 22 days. 10 birds or less usually observed; peak 35.
Pintail: 5 were seen on Oct. 8th, the only record.
Tufted Duck: A single male was present on Oct. 27th.
Common Scoter: There were four sightings, with a maximum of four.
Red-Breasted Merganser: Two (females or immatures) were in Kilbaha Bay on Oct. 7th
Hen Harrier: Seen on seven days … Aug – 1, Oct – 2 and Nov – 4. All were females or immature birds and were seen singly, with the exception of a sighting of two on Nov. 7th.
Sparrowhawk: Seen on 22 days. Two wee seen on three days, the rest singly.
Hobby: First located near the lighthouse on Nov. 1st, this bird remained in the same area until last seen on Nov. 7th.
Kestrel: Present in summer. Seen on 29 days, usually singly, but two birds were seen on seven days.
Merlin: Recorded on 14 days, mainly single records, with 2 seen once.
Peregrine: A male was present at the seabird colony on June 16th. In the autumn, birds were seen on 14 days, mainly singly. Three were seen on Oct. 5th and two on Oct. 9th. One was seen to make a kill at sea during a seawatch on Oct. 3rd.
Pheasant: Heard on three days.
Corncrake: One was reported calling in June by local people between Kilbaha and Fodry. This was the first heard in the area for several years. Another bird was heard near Cross.
Moorhen: Recorded on 15 days; peak of 6; all at Cloghaun Lough.
Coot: A single record of one at Cloghaun Lough on Oct. 14th.
Oystercatcher: Recorded daily. Peak counts were …. 92 on Aug. 27th…..130 on Oct. 8th, 170 on Oct. 10th….. 235 on Nov. 14th. The counts usually involved 20 to 50 birds.
Ringed Plover: Two pairs nested. In the autumn, birds were present on 23 days, with a maximum of 14 on Oct 4th.
Golden Plover: no September sightings; recorded on 15 days thereafter, with counts generally of 30 to 70, but with 170 on Oct. 9th.
Grey Plover: One record., of a single bird, on Oct. 4th.
Lapwing: Recorded on 22 days. Highest numbers were in early November when counts of 175 to 650 were had, peaking at 1100 on Nov. 14th. 60 was the highest October count and there were no August records.
Knot: Present on three days in early October, with 8 being the peak count.
Sanderling: one bird was in Kilbaha harbour from Oct. 2nd to 6th.
Purple Sandpiper: Seen on 6 days, 10 being the maximum count.
Dunlin: remarkably scarce. Heard twice at the end of August and three were seen on Oct. 8th.
Snipe: Scarce in September (3 records) but seen almost daily thereafter, usually involving less than 15 birds. The maximum was 45 on Oct. 8th.
Woodcock: One record, of a single bird, in a field near the lighthouse, on Nov. 4th.
Bar-tailed Godwit: One record. A single bird, on Sept. 19th /20th.
Whimbrel: Nine were seen on May 16th. Recorded on 6 days in autumn, with a maximum of 4 on Sept. 12th.
Curlew: Seen on most days, with highest numbers in October. Over 100 were counted on 11 occasions. 200 were seen on Oct. 4th and 9th.
Redshank: recorded most days; peak of 12.
Greenshank: One record; a single bird, on Sept. 6th.
Turnstone: Seen daily; probably under-recorded. Maxima of 90 and 120 in October. Usually 20 + present
Great Skua: Seen on most seawatches (19 day-records), as follows…
          End Aug   …  2 days (2 and 7 seen)
          Sept.            …  3 days (12 on two days and 126 in 7 hrs on the 12th)  
          Oct.             …  13 days (max. of 29, mainly in the first half of the month)
          Nov.            …  2 days (in the first half, with 8 on the 8th and 13 on the 11th)
Artic Skua: Recorded on 12 days as follows:
          End Aug   …  2 days (counts of 2 and 7)
          Sept.            …  3 days (32 on 12th was the best count) 
          Oct.             …  7 days 1 to 12 per day (none after the 10th )
Pomarine Skua: Recorded daily. Peak counts were ….. 92 on Aug. 27th…..130 on Oct. 8th, 170 on Oct. 10th….. 235 on Nov. 14th. The counts usually involved 20 to 50 birds.
Black-Headed Gull: Seen daily; usually less than 40. Highest numbers in early October, with peaks of 200 and 150 on 5th and 6th October.
Little Gull: One bird was seen off the Bridges of Ross on Nov. 11th.
Common Gull: Regular, in small numbers; highest count of 15.



Birds Ringed loop Head
Storm Petrel 7 180 156 34 1 59 447
Cormorant           1 1
Sparrowhawk     1 1 1 1 4
Merlin         1 1 2
Curlew Sandpiper           1 1
Dunlin           6 6
Curlew           1 1
Redshank         1 1 2
Woodpigeon       1 3 1 5
Swallow   2   15 32 11 60
Tree Pipit     1       1
Meadow Pipit     5 6 31 41 83
Rock Pipit       1 6 4 11
Grey Wagtail       3 3 5 11
Pied Wagtail       8 16 10 34
Wren   1 11 8 10 6 36
Dunnock     15 17 15 5 52
Robin   1 34 25 39 43 142
Redstart     1       1
Whinchat         2   2
Stonechat     5 8 16 25 54
Wheatear           1 1
Fieldfare     1     3 4
Blackbird     28 16 35 46 125
SongThrush     10 5 37 36 88
Redwing     2 1 7 7 17
Mistle Thrush     2       2
Grasshopper Warbler           1 1
Sedge Warbler         3   3
Whitethroat         4   4
Barred Warbler     1       1
Garden Warbler     2 1 6 6 15
Blackcap     2 1 10 11 24
Wood Warbler       1     1
Chiffchaff     6 6 8 14 34
Tristis Chifchaff         1   1
Willow Warbler     1 20 7 8 36
Yellow-Browed Warbler     1 1   2 4
Spotted Flycatcher     2   1   3
Red Breasted Flycatcher           1 1
Pied Flycatcher     3   2 1 6
Goldcrest     6 1 52 64 123
CoalTit     54   3 5 62
Blue Tit     40 8 24 58 130
Great Tit     33 10 21 19 83
Treecreeper     1       1
Magpie     4 1 2 4 11
Jackdaw           1 1
Starling       22 1 22 45
House Sparrow     2 5 2 11 20
Tree Sparrow     2     5 7
Chaffinch     13 13 14 127 167
Brambling     1       1
Bullfinch           1 1
Greenfinch         3 1 4
Goldfinch           4 4
Siskin     3     5 8
Redpoll Lesser           3 3
Redpoll  Mealy     4       4
Linnet     4 13 14 42 72
Reed Bunting     22 27 34 64 147
Rustic Bunting     1       1
Little Bunting           1 1
Yellow-rumped Warbler       1     1
Yearly Totals

Sabine’s Gull: Recorded on seven days in all, as follows….
                Sept. 6th                4
                   11th                  26
                   12th                  13
                   14th                  11
                   17th                    1
            Oct. 7th                     1
                    9th                     1
The Sept. 11th count is the highest ever at the Bridges of Ross and is very high in a national context.
Lesser Backed Gull: Scarce; only recorded on eight days. The maximum was 5, Sept. 20th.
– one record. A 1st year bird, on Oct. 8th, at the Bridges of Ross.
Glaucous Gull: Three sightings involving single birds … an adult on Oct 8th. Less than 30 daily otherwise.
Black-Headed Gull: Seen daily; usually less than 40. Highest numbers in early October, with peaks of 200 and 150 on 5th and 6th October.
Great Black-backed Gull: Recorded almost daily with a maximum of 100 on Oct. 8th. Less than 30 daily otherwise.
Kittiwake: Recorded daily. 4200 in 5 hours on Oct. 7th was the best movement and 1074 in 1.5 hrs. on Nov 8th was also good. Other high counts were:   1550  on Oct. 6th  (4 hrs.)
                                                                                                                 2100  on Oct. 8th    (5 hrs)
                                                                                                                 2250  on Oct. 9th    (8.5 hrs.)
                                                                                                                 900 to 1000 on Oct. 10th (10 per hr.)
                                                                                                                 3215 on Nov. 11th.
Sandwich Tern: Seen on 5 days in late August and early September, maximum of 13.
Common Tern: Not specifically recorded. See ‘Commic’ Tern. 
Arctic tern: Recorded on four occasions in early October. 27 were counted on Oct. 7th and 1 to 4 on the other days. See ‘Commic’ Tern
‘Commic’ Tern: Unspecified Common or Artic Terns were recorded on five days, with 33 on Sept. 12th, the highest.
Roseate Tern: Two were seen off the Bridges of Ross on October 8th.
Black Tern: Two, both adults, were seen off the Bridges of Ross on Sept. 6th.
Guillemot: The colonies from Loop Head to Bird Island were censused in the summer. 4101 individuals were counted on May 16th and 2480 on June 29th. Recorded on most seawatches. See ‘Auk species’.
Black Guillemot: Few records. One was at the colony on May 16th. Single birds were seen on Aug. 25/2th and on Sept. 6th.
Razorbill:   A minimum of 33 nest sites was located at the colony in May –  Regular on seawatches. See ‘Auk Species’.
Puffin: Only recorded specifically on four days. See ‘Auk Species’.
Auk Species: The following were the highest counts of non-specified Auks:
            Oct. 6th and 9th  …..            1050
            Oct. 7th               ….             1200
            Nov. 8th          ….                 1410
            Nov. 11th        ….                   973
Rock Dove: present in summer. Seen on 13 days in the autumn, usually in small flocks. There was an increase in both numbers and sightings in early November. 17 was the highest count.
Woodpigeon: Irregular, in small numbers. Seen in 11 days –  max. of 6. 
Collared Dove: A single bird, on September 29th – near the orchard.
Turtle Dove: A juvenile flushed from the bushes a Kilbaha Cottage on the evening of September 19th.
Cuckoo: Several present in summer. No definite autumn record – though an unidentified bird seen on Oct. 3rd was probably of this species.
Red-rumped Swallow: This bird appeared near Lillis’ house mid-morning on November 7th and presented very good views for the following 1½ hours. It is probably the 4th Irish record of the species. Another was seen at Hook Head in Wexford on the following day.
Swallow:  20 were seen on May 16th. Recorded daily up to Oct. 13th and twice thereafter, on Nov 5th and 6th (single birds). Up to 100 were regularly present in late August. 40 to 50 were regular in the first half of September. No more than 10 were seen on any day in early October.
Sand Martin: One record, at Kilbaha, on Aug. 30th.
House Martin: One record, on Oct 5th.
Skylark:: Recorded on most days. There were no records of over 10 until Oct. 27th, when 17 were seen. In the first week of November 32 were seen in a day and some small flocks appeared to be arriving from an easterly direction.
Meadow Pipit: Present every day, sometimes in good numbers. No more than 60 were seen in Aug/Sept. the highest count was 500 on Oct. 4th, most of these birds frequenting the lighthouse area. Other good counts were had in October  – 300 on the 5th, 150 on the 6th and 204 on the 15th. Counts otherwise varied from 20 to 100, but the species was often under-recorded.
Richard’s Pipit: Found by lucky observers at the hay-stacks near the lighthouse on October 6th, it remained in the same vicinity until the following day. This is the first county record of the species.
Rock Pipit: Resident. Recorded daily in good numbers on the shore and also found regularly in farmyards. Frequently under-recorded, as all shingle areas were not always visited. Up to 100 were often counted in early October.
Grey Wagtail: Recorded almost daily, usually with 1 to 6 present.

Pied Wagtail: Recorded daily – 10 to 30 was usually the daily total.

White Wagtail: Present on 5 days in September. 6 were seen on the 6th, and single birds on the 19th, 20th and 30th.
Wren: Common resident.
Dunnock:  Common resident.
Redstart: There were two records both of female birds. The first was at the lighthouse on Oct. 5th and the other at the sycamore grove on Oct. 10th.

Black Redstart: Two were at the lighthouse on Nov. 1st, and single birds were seen there on Nov. 2nd and 4th.

Whinchat: October 4th produced an arrival of five birds, the first two being located at the lighthouse and the other three in the trap gully (old bog road). Two of the latter were trapped.

Stonechat: Common. 20 to 50 were counted on most days, with 100 seen on Oct. 4th.
Wheater:  Scarce, being recorded on only five days in the autumn. Apart from a ‘fall’ of 11 on Oct. 4th, the other records were of single birds. The last record was on Oct. 10th.
Ring Ouzel: One was seen in the fields above the trap gully on Nov. 7th.

Blackbird: Rather scarce until October. 20 were counted on Oct. 6th. They only became more numerous in late Oct./early Nov. with the arrival of other migrant thrushes. 55 were logged on Nov. 7th.

Fieldfare: The first record, of two birds was on Oct. 20th. 75 were seen on Oct. 24th, and over 60 on Oct. 31st. Up to 200 were present in early Nov., when they were recorded daily.

Song Thrush: Present in small numbers, with no more than 8 in any day up to Oct. 27th, when 30 were logged. Thereafter, 10 to 55 were counted daily, with 140 o Nov. 7th.

Redwing: The first was seen on Oct. 4th. Present on a further 11 days in October and daily November. The peak count was 180 on Oct 31st and numbers were otherwise on 1 to 50.

Mistle Thrush: First recorded on Oct. 5th, a single bird. Two were seen on both Oct. 19th and 24th. 10 were present on Oct.31st, with the arrival of other thrushes. 1 to 5 were seen on six of the first eight days in November.
Wryneck:  First seen on Sept. 25th. What was possibly the same bird was seen also seen on Oct.1st and 2nd. This is the only record since one was found dead at the Loop Head lighthouse on Oct. 25th 1931.
Grasshopper Warbler: A male was singing in the valley at Fodry on May 30th and continued into June. No autumn records.

Sedge Warbler: Three singing males were found in the reed ditches at Kilbaha Pool on May 16th. Three were trapped in he reeds at Kilbaha Cottage on Aug. 30th/31st. .

Whitethroat: Probably bred in the trap gully. Recorded on three days in late August. Three were seen on Sept. 6th. A late bird was at the sallows on Oct. 28th.

Garden Warbler: Recorded on nine days in all, involving at least 10 individuals. The first two were trapped at the fuscia bushes, on Aug 31st. The others were seen singly in October, the last on Oct. 24th. Six were ringed.
Blackcap:  The first appeared on Sept 30th. Birds were present on six days in October and on seven in the first half of November. Four, on Nov. 5th, was the highest daily number. 10 were trapped.
Chiffchaff: No August or September records. Recorded on 13 days in October, usually singly or in twos, but 4 and 7 were seen on Oct 30th and 31st respectively. Seen daily in the first week of November, with numbers varying from 2 to 8.
A grey bird was in the Sallows from the fourth of November, and was trapped on the 7th. It was still present on the 14th. In the hand, it was identified as being a Siberian Chiffchaff, most likely of the ‘Tristis’ race.

Willow Warbler: Scarce. Present on 17 days, with no more than two on any day. Very sparse in August and September – only two seen in each month. The last was seen on Nov. 3rd. (2 present on May 16th)

Goldcrest: No records until Sept. 19th. Seen almost daily after that. 15 on Sept. 29th was the first sizeable arrival. 10 to 40 were seen daily up to Oct. 9th,when there were very obvious ‘falls’, and up to 11 were seen daily into early November. 53 were trapped.

Spotted Flycatcher: Two records, on Oct. 4th and 27th, this latter bird being still present until the very late date of Nov 14th.
Pied Flycatcher: Two records. Both were trapped, the first at Lillis’ house on Sept 20th and the other at the sallows on Oct.5th.
Coal Tit: Present on four days, starting with a single bird on Sept 30th. Four were recorded Oct. 1st and singles on Oct. 2nd and 5th.

Blue  Tit:  Present daily in small numbers, 14 being the peak count.

Great Tit: Recorded daily; 14 the maximum daily count.

Magpie: Recorded daily. 10 or more seen on most days, with a high of 35. Scarcity of nesting sites force the choice of some unusual sites, such as telegraph poles, very low sallows as well as wedging the nest between the guttering and the wall of the church.

Chough:  Recorded almost daily with between 2 and 9 usually seen. The best count was of 19 on Oct. 15th. Four were at the seabird colony cliffs on May 16th.

Jackdaw: Seen daily, with numbers varying considerably. 140 in October and 170 in November were the highest day-counts. A flock of 110 was seen flying high over the light on Nov. 3rd and later returned eastwards. In the past, Jackdaws have been seen flying out to sea.

Rook: Seen on most days, in small numbers. Apart from 66 on Oct. 15th, no daily count exceeded 26.
Hooded Crow: Found nesting in low bushes in summer. Seen every day, with 15 the maximum count.
Raven: Recorded almost daily. The highest daily count was 9.

 Starling: Recorded daily. 30 to 120 logged daily up to the end of October, with a peak of 300 on Oct. 9th.  Numbers in early November were consistently high, with 100+ present on most days, and a peak of 370 on the 2nd. This influx coincided with thrush arrivals.

House Sparrow: Recorded each day, with a maximum of 40.

Tree Sparrow: Similar status to 1986, with the local population remarkably scarce in comparison with 1984/85. Only two records, of three on Oct. 15th and one of  Nov. 2nd. No evidence of breeding..

Chaffinch: The only September record was of two birds on the 29th. Recorded, on 14 days in October and daily in early November. 14 was the highest day’s total until Oct 24th, when 50 were seen (Brambling appeared the same day). 23 to 50 was the normal daily tally in early November, with 70 seen on the 14th.  Many of those trapped were large birds of European origin.

Brambling:  Five records in all … singles on Oct. 24th and 27th. In November, there were 6 on the 2nd, one on the 7th and 2 on the 14th.

Greenfinch: Very scarce. Recorded on only six days (4 in Oct, 2 in Nov.), with a maximum of three birds.

Goldfinch: Present on three days (once in Sept. twice in Oct.) with a maximum of 3.
Siskin: Three records, involving single birds, in early November..
Linnet: Recorded daily. Only 4 four counts of 100 or more, with 10 to 60 more common. Highest numbers were all in October, the peak being on the 5th when 250 were counted. There was a noticeable drop after Oct. 13th with no more than 30 found daily thereafter. Bred locally.

Redpoll: Three records, involving single birds, in early November.

Scarelet Rosefinch:  A female or immature of this species was located near the sallow on October 6th. This is the first county record for the species.

Reed Bunting: Seen daily, with a maximum of 50.

Snow Bunting: Much more common than in 1985/’86. There were 15 records in all. The first bird was seen on Sept. 28th. In Oct, they were recorded om 11 days, mainly as singletons, but wit 6 on the 6th, 3 were present on both the 2nd and 3rd, with 2 on the 5th.
Lapland Bunting: One bird was located near the Bridges of Ross on September 12th.

                    P. Brennan                          D. Manley
                    P. Buckley                           M. Marsh
                    G. Butler                              A. Mee
                    S. Cromane                        T. Mee
                    D. Daly                                  K. Mullarney
                    G. Donlon                            J. Murphy
                    G. Duane                              M. O’Neill
                    D. Duggan                            D’ O’Sullivan   
                    M. Fellowes                        E. O’Sullivan
                    J. Grant                                K. Perry
                    H. Galvin                               S. Piotrowski
                    B. Haslam                             C. Raffles
                    E. H. Jones                           T. Tarpey
                    T. Kilbane                             A. Walsh
                    P. Leonard
Apologies for any omissions   
Records of rare birds in this report are subject to acceptance by the Irish Rare Birds Committee. Any further records from the 1987 or previous seasons would be very welcome.
Phil Brennan (Phone: 061 – 361317)
134 Tradaree Court,
Co. Clare
Jan 14th 1988

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Whooper Swans

Information on Colour Banded Whooper Swans
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tuesday 5th jan

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Bird Sightings For 2005

Bird Sightings for 2005

Contributors to this report were: Eva Andreu, Paul Archer, Brian Arthurs, Julia Baer, Lorraine & Robert Benson, Simon Berrows, Mark Bibby, Gerry Bilbao, Phil Brennan, Richard Bonser, Julien Boulanger, Dermot Breen, Graham Catley, Austin Cooney, Kieran Cronin, Michael Davis, Hugh Delaney,  Alan Donovan, Joe Doolan, Jimmy Dowdal, Aidan Duggan, Matti Eriksson, Lee Evans, Brian Finnegan, François Gabillard, Mattias Gierdin, Christophe Gruwier,  Mans Grundsten, Colum Flynn, Owen Foley, Kieran Grace, Tim Griffin, Nick Hallam, Dave Halliday, Tom Hayes, Chris Heard, Michael Hoit, Harry Hussey, Carol & Tim Inskipp, David Jenkins, Noel & Niall Keogh, Aidan Kelly, Keith Langdon, Raphaël Lebrun, Jacques-A. Leclercq, Noel Lennihan, Pat Lonergan, Tom Lowe, Tom & Nuala Lynch, Barry O’ Donaghue, Frank O’Duffy, Franco Maroevic, Mick Frosby, Finbarr Mac Gabhann, Maeve & Christy Meehan, Paul Milne, John N Murphy, Killian Mullarney, Rick Mundy, Gabriel Noonan, Stan Nugent, Benoit  Paepegeay, Geoff Pearson, Brian Porter, John Rattigan,  Bill Ryan, Frank Sadler, Robert Vaughan, Gerard Walsh, Noel Walsh, Andy Woods, John Wright. 

Friday 29th December 2005
There were 8 Black-throated Divers in Nort Clare.

Wednesday 28th December 2005
There were two Crossbills at Letteragh Wood Near Kilmaley.

Tuesday 27th December 2005
There were five Crossbills and one Jay at Kilnacreagh this morning.
There were also two Crossbills just north of Oatfield east of Sixmilebridge this afternoon. 
There was one female ring-tailed Hen Harrier at Clonderlaw Bay.

Monday 26th December 2005
There was a dark-phased Gyr Falcon at Doonbeg (Maeve & Christy Meehan).
This is only a third land based county record.
There was one male Hen Harrier at Poulnasherry bay and three Little Egrets.
There were two Black Redstarts on the Pier at Seafield, Quilty.

Saturday 24th December 2005
There were 12 Crossbills at Kilnacreagh this afternoon.
rare/dec2005 ringnduck.jpg
Crossbills  John N Murphy

Friday 23rd December 2005
There were eight Crossbills at Kilnacreagh, Fishermans Hill east of Sixmilebridge this afternoon.

Thursday 22nd December 2005
The female Ring-necked Duck was once again seen at Ballyallia Lake, Ennis (Finbarr MacGabhann)
There were two (a pair) Crossbills at Kilnacreagh, Fishermans Hill, Sixmilebridge.

Wednesday 21st December 2005
There were 20 Crossbills this afternoon near Kilnacreagh, Fishermans Hill,
which is just east of Sixmilebridge

Tuesday 20th December 2005
There were four Crossbills, one female Hen Harrier and one Jay
at Knockanuarha just North of Woodcock Hill earlier today.

Monday 19th December 2005
There was a female Blackcap at Oak Park, Ennis today.

Saturday 17th December 2005
There was a Short-eared Owl near the Shannon Airport Lagoon this evening.
At Poulnasherry Bay there was a huge build up of waders and wildfowl with
a peak count of 10 Little Egrets.
There was one Little Egret at Doonbeg Bay.
One Little Egret was also seen near the bridge at Lahinch.

Friday 16th December 2005
There were two Crossbills at Gallowshill, Woodcock Hill, Cratloe this afternoon.
One Jay was seen near Cratloekeel, Woodcock Hill, Cratloe.  

Thursday 15th December 2005
The female Blackcap was still at Ballymacahill, Tulla Road, Ennis.

Tuesday 13th December 2005
The female Ring-necked Duck was still at Ballyallia Lake this afternoon (John N Murphy)
The female Blackcap has taken up winter residence at a garden at Ballymacahill in Ennis.
Female Blackcap at Ballymacahill, Ennis © John N Murphy

Sunday 11th December 2005
There were three Little Egrets at the Shannon Airport Lagoon.

Saturday 10th December 2005
One Waxwing seen on Cahercalla road this morning.
One Female Ring-necked Duck on Ballyallia lake (John N Murphy).
One female Blackcap was at Pine Grove, Ennis.

Monday 5th December 2005
Female Blackcap at a birdtable on Tulla Road, Ennis.

Sunday 4th December 2005
One Hen Harrier and one Jay were at Labasheeda.

Saturday 3rd December 2005
One Little Egret was at Ballyvaughan.

Friday 2nd December 2005
A male Blackcap in Clarecastle.

Thursday 1st December 2005
Three Little Egrets were on the Shannon Estuary east of Shannon Town.

Tuesday 29th November 2005
There was a female Ring-necked Duck at Ballyallia Lake, Ennis (Stan Nugent).  
Female Ring-necked Duck with © Coot Stan Nugent

Monday 28th November 2005
There were two Chiffchaff orth of Bunratty.
A female Blackcap was in a garden on the Tulla Road, Ennis.

Sunday 27th November 2005
There was a Marsh Harrier at the Shannon Airport Lagoon (Phil Brennan).
There was one Little Egret at Bsihop’s Quarter, Ballyvaughan.
One Woodcock was at Boolynagleragh Bog, Liccycasey.

Saturday 26th November 2005
A Barn Owl was picked up injured on the main Street in Newmarket-on-Fergus.
The bird is now in care recovering. 
There were 81 Whooper Swans on fields west of the Dromoland Roundabout near Ballygireen.

Friday 25th November 2005
The drake Green-winged Teal was at Bell Harbour agian this afternoon.
There was an adult Mediterranean Gull near New Quay.
One Little Egret was near Corranroo on the Clare Galway border.

Thursday 24th November 2005
An eclipsed drake Ring-necked Duck was at Knockalough, Kilmihil this afternoon (John N Murphy). 

Wednesday 23rd November 2005
Eight Jays were seen together at Cratloe Woods.
There was a female Blackcap at Ballymacahill, Tulla Road Ennis.
A Barn Owl was at Newpark House, Ennis.

Tuesday 22nd November 2005
There were three Blackcaps in Sixmilebridge.

Sunday 20th November 2005
The drake Green-winged Teal was still at Belll Harbour.
There were 42 Black-throated Divers between Aughinish Island and Finvarra Point.
Also in this region of North Clare there were 128 Great Northern Divers, 112 Black Guillemots
14 Long-tailed Ducks and over 200 Razorbills.
A Short-eared Owl was seen this afternoon at Boolynagleragh Bog near Lissycasey 

Saturday 19th November 2005
There was a drake Green-winged Teal at Bell Harbour in North Clare.
Three Jays were at the Lees Wood Road in Ennis.

Friday 18th November 2005
A Short-eared Owl was seen flying over the sea at Quilty this morning. 

Thursday 17th November 2005
There was a Carrion Crow at Ballycar National School, Newmarket-on-Fergus, this afternoon. 
One Water Rail was seen on the Owenogarney River near Bunratty.

Wednesday 16th November 2005
There was a Merlinjust West of Sixmilebridge.

Tuesday 15th November 2005
One Black-Throated Diver and 20 Purple Sandpiper at Seafield, Quilty.
There was one Jay at Sixmilebridge.

Monday 14th November 2005
There were 30 Common Scoter at Lahinch/Liscannor Bay.

Sunday 13th November 2005
There was a flock of 29 Whooper Swans at Ballyallia lake (Drumcliffe side).
One Purple Sandpiper at Clahane, Liscannor.
One Hen Harrier was seen near Lissycasey.

Tuesday 8th November 2005
Small flock of Siskins and one Common Sandpiper in Clarecastle.

Monday 7th November 2005
One Jay, up to 100 Black-Tailed Godwits and as many Lapwing at Ballyallia lake.
There were two Little Egrets and three Pintail at Moyasta, Poulnasherry Bay.

Sunday 6th November 2005
One Sandwich Tern, two Peregrines, one Merlin and about 20 Snipe around the Fodry, Loop Head.
One Merlin was seen at Moyasta, Poulnasherry Bay.

Friday 4th November 2005
The juvenile American Golden Plover was relocated near the Lighthouse at Loop Head (Tom Tarpey).
One Green Sandpiper, 50+ Chaffinch and numerous Redpoll at Kilbaha, Loop Head.
Two Jays at Lees Road Wood, Ennis.

Thursday 3rd November 2005
There was a male Blackcap at Cappahard, Ennis.

Wednesday 2nd November 2005
The Rough-legged Buzzard was released today in Wexford at 2.00 pm.
Flock of over 100 Golden Plover on Loop Head today. However they were too flighty to locate the
American specimen amongst them. One Merlin and 30 Redwing also present.
In and around Kilbaha village were two Chiffchaff, one Blackcap and one Hen Harrier.
Six Whooper swans in a field outside Kilrush.

Sunday 30th October 2005
A juvenile American Golden Plover seen near the lighthouse on Loop Head (Chris Meehan).

Friday 28th October 2005
Adult Mediterranean Gull at Quilty and 6 Curlew Sandpipers at Lurga Point.
The juvenile Rough-legged Buzzard Buteo lagopus sanctijohannis from North American that was found in
weak condition at Tulla on 11th October (Alan Donovan) has now been nursed back to
health and ready to be released back into the wild at some point over the next few days. 
Information on this bird did not come to light until earlier in the week and the bird will be released
on private grounds.  More details about the release of this bird will go out on this web site early
next week.  This is a first county record and possibly a first
Irish record as well.
Rough-legged Hawk  © John N Murphy

Monday 23rd October 2005
Duck numbers are beginning to build up at Ballyallia Lake where one Jay was also observed today.

Sunday 22nd October 2005
There was one Carrion Crow at Lough Murree this afternoon.

Friday 21st October 2005
There were three Jays on the Lees Road in Ennis today.

Thursday 20th October 2005
There were five Curlew Sandpipers and one White-rumped Sandpiper
at Quilty this afternoon (John N Murphy).
White-rumped Sandpiper with Dunlin at Seafield, Quilty © John N Murphy
White-rumped Sandpiper immature bird at Seafield © John N Murphy

Wednesday 19th October 2005
There were two Jays on the Lees Road in Ennis this afternoon.

Tuesday 18th October 2005
At Loop Head today there was one male Brambling, one Wheatear,
four Chiffchaffs and two Common Sandpipers.
Wheatear and flies © John N Murphy

Monday 17th October 2005
One Jay was at Carrigoran House, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Sunday 16th October 2005
There was a large amount of Redwings migrating through the county earlier this morning.
One Little Egret was at Iniscullen Hill outside Shannon.
The Green Sandpiper was still at Lough Gash, Newmarket-on-Fergus along with one Little Egret.
There were five Whooper Swans and 14 Gadwall at the Shannon Airport Lagoon. 
There was a Long-eared Owl calling near Newpark House, Cappahard, Ennis late this evening.   

Saturday 15th October 2005 
There was a Hobby at Loop Head today and a late staying Willow Warbler was caught and ringed at Kilbaha.   

Friday 14th October 2005
Redwing migration has begun with one bird heard calling over Ennis this evening.

Thursday 13th October 2005
There was an adult Mediterranean Gull at Quilty today.
One Hen Harrier at Quilty.

Wednesday 12th October 2005
One White-rumped Sandpiper at Seafield, Quilty (Gerry Bilbao), (I only received these details on
the night of 20th October by email from Gerry, just when I taught I had found a decent bird for the 
county, shattering my dreams etc..).

Tuesday 11th October 2005
The only news from Loop Head today was seven Chiffchaffs and 12 Goldcrests.

Sunday 9th October 2005
One female Hen Harrier and one Tree Sparrow were the highlights from Loop Head.
One Grey Phalarope at Bridges of Ross.

Saturday 8th October 2005
At the Bridges of Ross there was a small movement of birds on the sea, highlights were;
one Balearic and 19 Sooty Shearwaters, 15 Arctic Skuas, one Bonxie, one Pomarine Skua,
one Little Gull and 13 Grey Phalaropes.
In the gardens at Kilbaha there was one Long-earded Owl and a few Chiffchaffs.
There was one Barn Owl calling during early evening at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
One female Hen Harrier was at Hags Head.
One second-winter Mediterranean Gull at Kilrush.

Thursday 6th October 2005
The only news today was that the two Snow Buntings were still at Loop Head along with one Tree Sparrow.

Wednesday 5th October 2005
There were two Snow Buntings a male Hen Harrier and a male Blackcap at Loop Head today.
This morning in the GAA pitch at Kilkee there was a first-winter and one second-winter Mediteranean Gulls.

Tuesday 4th October
Today at the Loop Head the Red-breasted Flycatcher was relocated in Gibson’s Garden at Kilbaha.

Monday 3rd October 2005
There was one Snow Bunting and two Willow Warbler at Loop Head today.
The Red-breasted Flycatcher was not relocated in the gardens at Kilbaha.

Sunday 2nd October 2005
This morning at Kilbaha in willows across the road from Keatings Pub was an immature Red-breasted
Flycatcher.   Between 7.30 and 9.30 off the Bridges of Ross there was good movement of Shearwaters
with 1700 Greats, 350 Sooties, one Arctic Skua and two Leach’s Petrels.

Saturday 1st October 2005
At the Bridges of Ross today were 110 Leach’s Petrels, 45 Storm Petrels, 25 Arctic Skuas,
46 Pomarine Skuas, 90 Bonxies, two Long-tailed Skuas, the Sooty Shearwaters,
seven Little Gulls, eight Sabine’s Gulls, 50 Grey Phalaropes, six Red-throated Divers and
one Great Northern Diver.
Friday 30th September 2005
There was one first-winter and one adult winter Mediterranean Gulls at Killimer.
At Lough Gash, Newmarket-on-Fergus there was one Green Sandpiper and one Ruff.

Thursday 29th September 2005
The Firecrest was stil in the gardens in Kilbaha, two Lapland Buntings were
found on the Fodry near Loop Head lighthouse.
Five Arctic Skuas were seen off the Bridges of Ross.

Wednesday 28th September 2005
At the Bridges of Ross this afternoon were;  two Juvenile Sabine’s gulls,
12 Leach’s Petrels, one Sooty Shearwater, four Bonxies, 14 Arctic Skuas,
six Red-throated Divers, two Brent Geese, 25 Grey Phalaropes,
one first-winter Little Gull, 80+ Arctic Terns.
In the gardens in Kilbaha there was one Firecrest (only the 4th county record)
and one Tree Sparrow.
One Glaucaus Gull was seen in a field outside Kilbaha.
A Hen Harrier was spotted four miles east of Kilrush.
Firecrest at Kilbaha © Killian Mullarney

Tuesday 27th September 2005
There was good seawatching at the Bridges of Ross today.
Highlights were, 23 Great Shearwaters, 220 Sooty Shearwaters, one Little Auk, 13 Leach’s Petrels,
seven Pomarine Skuas, 24 Arctic Skuas and 12 Bonxies, two Sabine’s Gulls, 19 Grey Phalaropes
143 Arctic Terns and 12 Red-throated Divers.

Monday 26th September 2005
There were two Curlew Sandpipers at Lough Gash, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
A Grey Phalarope was seen flying along a wet road near Quilty during stormy weather.

Sunday 25th September 2005
At the Bridges of Ross today there was one Wilson’s Storm Petrel (Carol & Tim Inskipp).
There was also three Sabine’s Gulls, one juvenile Little Gull, 34 Sooty Shearwaters and
two Balearic Shearwaters, one Leach’s Petrel, two Arctic Skuas, one Bonxie,
one Pomarine Skua and two Red-throated Divers.

Saturday 24th September 2005
Strong southerly winds at the Bridges of Ross were completely wrong for seawtching, never-the-less
there was one Arctic Skua, one Bonxie, one Leach’s Petrel, one Velvet Scoter and two Grey Phalaropes.
There was no sign of the Long-billed Dowitcher at Doonbeg.  Six Curlew Sandpipers were at Seafield, Quilty.
One Curlew Sandpiper and one Spotted Redshank were still at the Shannon Airport Lagoon.
There was a Glaucous Gull at Castle Point near Kilkee.

Friday 23rd September 2005
Weather conditions were excellent at the Bridges of Ross this morning with a great variety of seabirds passing.
These included 450 Sooty Shearwaters, one Cory’s, eight Greats and two Balearic Shearwaters.
There was one Long-tailed Skua, six Pomarines, eight Bonxies and 19 Arctic Skuas.  There were over 100
Storm Petrels, nine Leach’s, one juveniles Sabine’s Gull, two first-winter Little Gulls, 45 Grey Phalaropes,
11 Puffins, six Red-throated Divers and one summer plumaged Great Northern.
One of the juvenile Long-billed Dowitchers was at Doonbeg this evening along with one Curlew Sandpiper.
There were six Curlew Sandpipers on the beach at Seafield, Quilty.
There was a Little Stint, one Curlew Sandpiper and one Spotted Redshank at the Shannon Airport Lagoon.
A RED-NECKED PHALAROPE was picked up freshly dead in a field near Tullig, at Cross village on the
Loop Head peninsula after a spell of stormy weather.  This is only the second county record. (Bill Ryan and D Keane).

Thursday 22nd September 2005
There were two juvenile Long-billed Dowitchers at Doonbeg Bay this morning on high tide (John Wright).
At full tide in the Shannon Airport Lagoon, one Long-billed Dowitcher was still present along with
eight Curlew Sandpipers, four Ruff, two juvenile Little Gulls, one adult Little Gull and two Little Egrets. 
At the Bridges of Ross this evening there were two Sooty Shearwaters, one juvenile Little Gull
and one Arctic Skua. 
Long-billed Dowitcher juvenile at Doonbeg © John Wright

Wednesday 21st September 2005
The adult Mediterranean Gull was still at Quilty.

Tuesday 20th September 2005
At the Bridges of Ross today there were 170 Sooty Shearwaters, one Balearic Shearwater,
six Arctic Skuas, one Bonxie, one Leach’s Petrel and three Red-throated Divers.
The Yellow Wagtail was in Cloghaun Lough Loop Head. 
The adult Mediterranean Gull and six Curlew Sandpipers were at Quilty.
One male Hen Harrier was seen near Doonbeg.
There was a second year Mediterrranean Gull at Knockalough near Kilmihil.
Curlew Sandpiper on the beach at Seafield © John N Murphy

Monday 19th September 2005
The Citrine Wagtail was at the Shannon Airport Lagoon this afternoon (John N Murphy). 
Few waders were in the Lagoon due to low tide but there were two Curlew Sandpipers.
A Glaucous Gull flew past the Bridges of Ross this morning, while this evening after the
winds shifted to a westerly direction the following passed the point, 27 Sooty Shearwaters,
one Balearic Shearwater, one Blue Fulmar, two Leach’s Petrels, one Pomarine Skua, one Arctic Skua,
three Red-throated Divers and five Common Scoters.  There was one adult Mediterranean Gull
and two Curlew Sandpipers on the beach at Seafield, Quilty.

Sunday 18th September 2005
The Semi-palmated Sandpiper was still at the Shannon Airport Lagoon on high tides and the
Long-billed Dowitcher.  There were also eight Curlew Sandpipers and six White Wagtails.
There was no sign of The Citrine Wagtail nor the Red-necked Phalarope. 
The Yellow Wagtail was still at Loop Head in Cloghaun Lough, there was a Lapland Bunting at
the Lighthouse but no sign of the Arctic Warbler.  

Saturday 17th September 2005
The Citrine Wagtail had moved back and forth from in front of the hide at the Lagoon
and spent some time near the putting greens in front of the Golf Course Club House.
 The Semipalmated Sandpiper, Red-necked Phalarope, Long-billed Dowitcher,
two Spotted Redshanks and four Little Egrets (John Rattigan, Brian Finnegan et al) 
and a Pectoral Sandpiper (Don Hodgers) were also present at the Shannon Airport Lagoon today.
There was a Yellow Wagtail on the stoney beach at Clohaun Lough Loop Head.  This was beleived to be
a different bird to the one which spent a long period of time in Kilbaha.
There were 25 Little Stints at Quilty.
Yellow Wagtail at Cloghaun Lough Loop Head © Keith Langdon

Friday 16th September 2005
We received news late on Saturday of an Arctic Warbler which was seen
near sheds on the road to Loop Head Lighthouse  (Maeve and Christy Meehan)(14.45).
If accepted this will be  a second county record.
The Citrine Wagtail, Red-necked Phalarope juvenile, Semipalmated Sandpiper,
Long-billed Dowitcher, Marsh Harrier, one juvenile Little Gull , Spotted Redshank,
five Little Egrets and 14 Curlew Sandpipers were all showing well this evening at the Shannon
Airport Lagoon (John N Murphy, Stan Nugent, John Rattigan Finbarr Mac Gabhann et al). 
There were three Little Egrets at Drumgeely Point in Shannon Town.
One Garganey was at Kilcredaun Marsh and pools.  
Citrine Wagtail juvenile at Shannon Airport Lagoon © John N Murphy

Marsh Harrier at Shannon Airport Lagoon © John N Murphy

Thursday 15th September 2005
A  juvenile CITRINE WAGTAIL was reported from the Shannon Airport Lagoon this afternoon (Tom Lowe).
This is a first county record.
Also there was a RED-NECKED PHALAROPE (Tom Lowe) another county first. 
The Semi-palmated Sandpiper was also present along with the Long-billed Dowitcher, 14 Curlew Sandpipers,
one Spotted Redshank, three Ruff, six Little Egrets, the Whooper Swan and one Marsh Harrier. 
At the Bridges of Ross there was one Great Shearwater, two Leache’s Petrels, one Bonxie
one Arctic Skua, three Red-throated Divers and one Minke Whale.
There was one Common Sandpiper at Clogaun Lough.

Wednesday 14th September 2005
There was a juvenile Semi-palmated Sandpiper at the Shannon Airport Lagoon today (John N Murphy)(14.00).
Also present were the Long-billed Dowitcher, one Spotted Redshank, 15 Curlew Sandpiper, three Ruff,
four Little Egrets and thousands of common waders.

Tuesday 13th September 2005
There was a Green Sandpiper and one Kingfisher at Ballycorick Bridge near Ballynacally earlier today.
There was no news of the Baird’s Sandpiper at the Shannon Airport Lagoon.

Monday 12th September 2005
A juvenile Baird’s Sandpiper was at the Shannon Lagoon this morning (Tom Lowe).
There was also four Little Stints and ten Curlew Sandpipers.
One Little Stint was spotted at Seafield, Quilty.

Sunday 11th September
The Green Sandpiper was still at Lough Gash.

Saturday 10th September 2005
At the Bridges of Ross today there were two Cory’s Shearwaters, one Long-tailed Skua, three Arctic Skuas,
two Bonxies and 17 Common Scoter.

Thursday 8th September 2005
There were over 100 Curlew Sandpipers at the Shannon Airport Lagoon today,
also two Little Stints, 400 Dunlin, three Ruff, 300 Teal and three Little Egrets.

Wednesday 7th September 2005
At the Bridges of Ross this morning there was little movement on deep southerly winds, never-the-less
three Cory’s Shearwaters, 13 Sooty Shearwaters, five Common Scoter and one Red-throated Diver passed the point.
This evening at the Bridges there were six Black Terns, three Great Skuas and five Arctic Skuas.
On land there were few passerines on Loop Head with the only migrants being 25 Wheatears and one Spotted Flycatcher.
There were three Curlew Sandpipers on the beach at Kilkee.
The Green Sandpiper was at Lough Gash, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
The Long-billed Dowitcher was back in the Shannon Airport Lagoon along with 30 Curlew Sandpipers
40 Knot and two Little Egrets. 

Tuesday 6th September 2005
The Green Sandpiper was still at Lough Gash, Newmarket-on-Fergus. 

Monday 5th September 2005
At the Bridges of Ross and Loop Head today there were, three Black Terns, 32 Arctic Terns,
one Velvet Scoter, two Arctic Skuas, four Sooty Shearwaters,27 Chough and a Minke Whale. 
There were hundreds of waders at the Shannon Airport Lagoon this morning on high tide,
with them were 80 plus Curlew Sandpipers, one Little Stint, one Pectoral Sandpiper, three Ruff,
two Little Egrets and the Whooper Swan.  There was no sign of the Long-billed Dowitcher.
At Lough Gash, Newmarket-on-Fergus the Green Sandpiper was still present.

Sunday 4th September 2005
This morning at Loop Head there was 30 Twite, one Cory’s Shearwater, nine Sooty Shearwaters,
four Black Terns, two Bonxies, five Arctic Skuas, and 60 Wheatears and one Minke Whale.
At Quilty there was 31 Curlew Sandpipers and one Little Stint.
There were two Whooper Swans at Lough Atedaun.
Curlew Sandpiper at Quilty © Graham Catley

Saturday 3rd September 2005
Today at the Bridges of Ross on South-easterly winds there were over 100 Sooty Shearwaters,
two Balearic Shearwaters, five Black Terns, three Arctic Skuas, two Bonxies and seven Grey Phalaropes,
Nine Brent Geese, one Red-throated Diver, 39 Common Scoter, 43 Arctic Terns and one Cory’s Shearwater. 
One Minke Whale was seen off the Fodry, three Sun Fish and 10 Bottle-nosed Dolphins off the Bridges.  
There was a Green Sandpiper at Lough Gash, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Friday 2nd September 2005
The winter plumaged Long-billed Dowitcher was back at the Shannon Airport Lagoon after a short absence.
There was also 40 Curlew Sandpipers, one Ruff, three Little Egrets and the Whooper Swan. 
At the Bridges of Ross there were three Black Terns, one Leache’s Petrel and three Sooty Shearwaters
and one Grey Phalaropes.
There was 1500 Manx Shearwters off Doonbeg Bay, one Curlew Sandpiper in the Bay but no sign of the Spotted Sandpiper. 

Thursday 1st September 2005
At the Bridges of Ross today were;
150 plus Sooty Shearwaters, one Balearic Shearwater, one juvenile Long-tailed Skua,
two adult Pomarine Skuas, one Bonxie, 17 Arctic Skuas, one juvenile Sabine’s Gull,
five Leache’s Petrels, nine Grey Phalaropes, 84 Arctic Terns and two Red-throated Divers. 

Wednesday 31st August 2005
A Little shearwater was seen passing the Bridges of Ross (Noel, Niall Keogh et al) (12.50).
There was also two juvenile Pomarine Skuas, 23 Arctic Skuas, one Cory’s Shearwater,
three Balearic Shearwaters,  70 Sooties and 8,000 Manx Shearwaters, ten Storm Petrels,
32 Common Scoters, four Puffins and 60 Sandwich Terns.
There were lots of birds at the Shannon Airport Lagoon,
of interest were five Ruff, two Curlew Sandpipers, eight Little Egrets and the Whooper Swan.. 

Tuesday 30th August 2005
At the Bridges of Ross there was one juvenile Sabine’s Gull, two Balearic Shearwaters,
three Bonxies, 22 Arctic Skuas, 60 plus Sooty Shearwaters, 33 Common Scoter, three Pintail
and 45 Storm Petrels.
There was also 20 Bottle-nosed Dolphins,15 Common Dolphins, two Minke Whales and one Otter. 
The Yellow Wagtail was once again in the small pool in Kilbaha.
The Spotted Sandpiper was still at Doonbeg.

Monday 29th August 2005
There was good movement at the Bridges of Ross early this morning.
Highlights were; 330 Great Shearwaters, 15 Cory’s, 70 Sooties, two Balearic Sherwaters,
one Wilsons Storm Petrel, eight Leache’s Petrels, 37 Storm Petrels, two Sabine’s Gulls,
10 Bonxies, 23 Arctic Skuas, two juvenile Pomarine, one Long-tailed Skua and three Grey Phalaropes.
The Spotted Sandpiper was showing well at Doonbeg along with one Kingfisher (see photo below).
Spotted Sandpiper at Doonbeg © John N Murphy

Sunday 28th August 2005
The Spotted Sandpiper was at Doonbeg throughout the day.
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Spotted Sandpiper juvenile at Doonbeg © John N Murphy

Saturday 27th August 2005
A juvenile Spotted Sandpiper was found near the new Golf Course Club House at Doonbeg (Nick Hallam et al).
This was a first county record and an excellent find.
The Yellow Wagtail was still at the pond in Kilbaha and there was also a juvenile Mediterranean Gull.
The Leather-backed Turtle was seen again.

Friday 26th August 2005
All is fairly quiet at the Bridges of Ross this morning with only two Leache’s Petrels,
three Grey Phalaropes, two Great and two Arctic Skuas seen so far.
The Leather-backed Turtle was still about.

Thursday 25th August 2005
News from the Bridges of Ross today;
Another Fea’s Petrel was spotted this evening (Aidan Kelly et al)(18.15).
Throughout the day there were three Leache’s Petrels, 10 Sabines Gulls, one Balearic Shearwater,
six Grey Phalaropes, two Long-tailed Skuas, 20 Arctic Skuas, 10 Bonxies, and 35-40 Sooty Shearwaters.
There was also a Leather-backed Turtle, one Minke Whale and four Sun Fish seen off the Bridges during the day. 
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Sooty Shearwater © Killian Mullarney

Great Skua © Killian Mullarney

Long-tailed Skua © Killian Mullarney

Wednesday 24th August 2005
A Fea’s Petrel went past the Bridges of Ross (John N Murphy et al) (8.24).
Also at the Bridges were three Coy’s Shearwaters, two Great Shearwaters, 15,000 Manxies,
15 Balearic and 500 Sooty Shearwaters, six Sabine’s Gulls, five Leache’s Petrels, 10 Bonxies,
15 Arctic Skuas and six Grey Phalaropes.  
Sooty Shearwater at Bridges of Ross © John N Murphy

Tuesday 23rd August 2005
Highlights from the Bridges of Ross today were;
One Wilson’s Storm Petrel (Niall Keogh, Michael Hoit et al) (14.05).
Also there was six adult Sabine’s Gulls, 17 Balearic Shearwaters and 22 Great Shearwaters,
1,000 Sooty Shearwaters, two Pomarine Skuas, four Arctic plus seven Great Skuas and 70 Storm Petrels.
There was a report of a boat 22 nautical miles north of Loop Head and from it sightings of one Little Shearwater,
one Wilson’s Storm Petrel, 300 Great Shearwaters and some Cory’s Shearwaters (Kieran Cronin et al).

Monday 22nd August 2005
At the Bridges of Ross this morning there was one Wilson’s Storm Petrel (Jimmy Dowdal) (9.15).
Also past the bridges were 14 Balearic Shearwaters, eight Greats and two Cory’s Shearwaters.
There was no sign of the Lesser Yellowlegs at Doonbeg today.   

Sunday 21st Augus 2005
The Bridges of Ross had 4500 Manx Shearwaters, 300 Sooties, two Great and 11 Cory’s Shearwaters,
nine Balearic Shearwaters, nine Arctic Skuas, five Bonxies and one Pomarine Skua.  There was also 100 Storm
Petrels and 75 Whimbrel.
At the Shannon Airport Lagoon there was no sign of the dowitcher nor the Pectoral Sandpiper,
but there were a lot of waders including one adult Curlew Sandpiper, seven Ruff, six Little Egrets and one Whooper Swan.

Saturday 20th August 2005
The Lesser Yellowlegs was relocated at Doonbeg (Brian Finnegan).
One Wilson’s Storm Petrel at the Bridges of Ross (Harry Hussey, Owen Foley et al)(9.45).
There were few other seabirds this morning with only a small number of Sooty Shearwaters and
one Arctic Skua.

Friday 19th August 2005
There was a large movement of Manx Shearwaters off the Bridges of Ross this morning.
Highlights were seven Cory’s and two Great Shearwaters, seven Balearic Shearwaters and 100 Sooties.
The Long-billed Dowitcher was at the Shannon Airport Lagoon along with the Pectoral Sandpiper and
13 Little Egrets.

Thursday 18th August 2005
At the Bridges of Ross there was one Wilson’s Storm Petrel (John N Murphy) (9.00),
35 Storm Petrels, 50 Cory’s Shearwaters, seven Great Shearwaters, 35 Sooty Shearwaters,
four Balearic Shearwaters, two Long-tailed Skuas, five Arctic Skuas, one Bonxie and one Grey Phalarope.
The Yellow Wagtail was again in Kilbaha.
The Long-billed Dowitcher and a Pectoral Sandpiper were at the Shannon Airport Lagoon. 

Wednesday 17th August 2005
There were 30 Cory’s Shearwaters at the Bridges of Ross this morning.
The Long-billed Dowitcher was still at the Shannon Airport Lagoon.
One Little Egret was at Poulnasherry Bay.
There were two juvenile and one adult Mediterranean Gulls at Moneypoint.

Tuesday 16th August 2005
A White-rumped Sandpiper was found at Poulnasherry Bay this evening (Mans Grundster, Matti Eriksson & Mattias Gierden) (20.30). 
There was no sign of the Lesser Yellowlegs at Doonbeg with one Ruff being the only bird of note.
The Yellow Wagtail was at Kilbaha.
One Little Egret was at Poulnasherry.
Four Ruff were at Lough Donnell. 

Monday 15th August 2005
There was an adult Lesser Yellowlegs found on mudflats just south
of the Doonbeg river (Nicolas Selosse et al). This is only the second county record.
There was also a Kingfisher and four Wigeon.
Things had gone quiet at the Bridges of Ross with only ten Sooty Shearwaters,
five Arctic Skuas and one Bonxie.
The Yellow Wagtail was in Kilbaha.
Yellow Wagtail at the small pond in Kilbaha © John N Murphy

Lesser Yellowlegs at Doonbeg © Jacques-A. Leclercq

Sunday 14th August 2005
There was another Fea’s Petrel at the Bridges of Ross today (Christophe Gruwier et al) (12.15).
There was also five Balearic Shearwaters, twe juvenile Mediterranean Gulls and one Long-tailed Skua off the Bridges.
The Yellow Wagtail was once again in Kilbaha.

Saturday 13th August 2005
The Bridges of Ross had the following;
One Fea’s Petrel passed at approx 20.00 in the evening (Nicolas Selosse et al) (20.00).
One Wilson’s Storm Petrel (Noel, Lennihan, Aidan Duggan, Brian Finnegan et al) (9.30am).
There was another Wilson’s Storm Petrel off the Bridges of Ross in the afternoon
(Raphaël Lebrun, Killian Mullarney et al) (16.00).  
There was also 27000 Manx Shearwaters, seven Balearic Shearwaters, three Great Shearwaters,
over 296 Sooty Shearwaters, one Balearic Shearwater, two Grey Phalaropes, 173 Storm Petrels, one
Long-tailed Skua, one Pomarine Skuas, six Arctic Skuas and six Bonxies.
The Yellow Wagtail was once again in the pond at Kilbaha.
At the Shannon Airport Lagoon one Long-billed Dowitcher was still present
along with the Whooper Swan, one Wigeon, ten Little Egrets, five Ruff and
one Spotted Redshank.
There was one Little Egret at Poulnasherry Bay and the white Curlew was still
in the locality.

Friday 12th August 2005
News from the Bridges of Ross; one Wilson’s Storm Petrel (John N Murphy), 40 Storm Petrels,
44 Sooty Shearwaters, one Balearic Shearwater, one Bonxie and four Arctic Skuas.
Around the Loop Head penninsula there were two White Wagtails.  The Yellow Wagatil was
in the pond at Kilbaha.  One juvenile Meditteranean Gull was near the Lough in Kilbaha.
There was one juvenile Long-eared Owl at Darragh.
The two Ring-billed Gulls were at Quilty. 

Thursday 11th August 2005
Very little about today, the only report was of a male Hen Harrier hunting near Maghera.
The Yellow Wagtail was again in the small pond in Kilbaha.

Wednesday 10th August 2005
The Yellow Wagtail was still in Kilbaha.

Tuesday 9th August 2005
Only one Long-billed Dowitcher was seen at the Shannon Airport Lagoon this morning.
There were hundreds of Black-tailed Godwits and Redshank along with nine Little Egrets
and the Whooper Swan.
One male Marsh Harrier at Lough Donnell (Frank O’Duffy).
One of the two Ring-billed Gulls was seen at Quilty today.

Monday 8th August 2005
The two Long-billed Dowitchers were feeding together this evening at the Shannon
Airport Lagoon.  There were also seven Little Egrets, one Ruff and one Whooper Swan.

Sunday 7th August 2005
All was quiet at the Bridges of Ross with only six Arctic Skuas observed during the day.

Saturday 6th August 2005
Dire weather conditions with seafog at the Bridges of Ross made watching
very difficult.  Highlights for the day were one Sooty Shearwater, 48 Storm
Petrels, one dark phased adult Pomarine Skua and four Arctic Skuas.
Friday 5th August 2005
Now at the Shannon Airport Lagoon there are two summer plumaged
Long-billed Dowitchers (John N Murphy) and 12 Little Egrets.
News from the Bridges of Ross was: 600 Cory’s Shearwaters, 110 Sooty Shearwaters,
45 Great Shearwaters, six Arctic Skuas, three Great Skuas, only 20 Storm Petrels and
one adult Sabine’s Gull.

Thursday 4th August 2005
At the Bridges of Ross today there were two Wilson’s Storm Petrels (Hugh Delaney et al), 
41 Cory’s Shearwaters, eight Great Shearwaters, 12 Sooty Shearwaters,
up to 1,100 Whimbrel passed throughout the day, 80 Storm Petrels,
three Common Scoter, one Great Skua and one Arctic Skua. 

Wednesday 3rd August 2005
The Long-billed Dowitcher was showing well at the Shannon Airport Lagoon,
and now there are eight Little Egrets as well as the Whooper Swan and a Ruff.
At the Bridges of Ross there were 71 Cory’s Shearwaters, 10 Great Shearwaters and three Sooties.
This was very little movement in comparision to that of other headlands in the North west of Ireland.

Tuesday 2nd August 2005
The Long-billed Dowitcher was still at the Shannon Airport Lagoon
today, along with six Little Egrets, two Whooper Swans and the Black-
tailed Godwits and Redshank.
The albanistic Curlew was still at Poulnasherry Bay and also a hunting juvenile
Hen Harrier was observed.
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Long-billed Dowitcher © John N Murphy

Monday 1st August 2005
The Long-billed Dowitcher was still at the Shannon Airport Lagoon
along with the four Little Egrets.

Sunday 31st July 2005
The Long-billed Dowitcher returned to the Shannon Airport Lagoon.
The four Little Egrets, Whooper Swan and Ruff were still present.
There was also a luecistic Redshank.
Moulting flight shot of Long-billed Dowicher at Lagoon © John N Murphy.

Saturday 30th July 2005
There was a Wilson’s Petrel off the Bridges of Ross (Owen Foley & Colum Flynn).
along with three Sooty Shearwaters and four Arctic Skuas.
One Long-billed Dowitcher was at the Shannon Airport Lagoon (Harry Hussey & Owen Foley).
Also at the lagoon were four Little Egrets, one Ruff and a Whooper Swan.

Friday 29th July 2005
One Yellow Wagtail was in Kilbaha, Loop Head.

Thursday 28th July 2005
There were two Ring-billed Gulls at Quilty
Ring-billed Gul © Mike Davis

Wednesday 27th July 2005
There were six Common Sandpipers at Ballycorick Bridge near Ballynacally.
A flock of 65 Rock Doves fed on a newly sown field near Kilbaha, Loop Head.
Rock Dove at Loop Head © John N Murphy

Monday 25th July 2005
One Stock Dove was seen at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Sunday 24th July 2005
There were two young Long-eared Owls heard calling at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Saturday 23rd July 2005
Three Wilson’s Petrels were off the Bridges of Ross for over 1 hour
feeding witnin flocks of Storm Petrels (John N Murphy, Paul Milne, Stan Nugent & John Rattigan). 
There was also two Cory’s Shearwaters, 15 Sooty Shearwaters,
five Arctic Skuas, one Great Skua and five Common Scoters. 
Three Common Sandpipers were at Cloghaun Lough near Kilbaha.
There was a flock of 200 Dunlin at Poulnasherry Bay and the albanistic
Curlew has returned to this site for the fifth season.
 Tuesday 19th July 2005
A short morning seawatch off the Bridges of Ross produced six
Cory’s Shearwaters, one Great Shearwater, 14 Sooty Shearwaters,
25 Storm Petrels, one Arctic Skua, one 2nd year Long-tailed Skua and
10 Common Scoter.
There was a Yellow Wagtail at the small pond in Kilbaha.
Yellow Wagtail in the small pond at Kilbaha © John N Murphy

Thursday 23rd June 2005 
Two Leaches Petrels off the Bridges of Ross.

Saturday 28th May 2005
There were two Leaches Petrels off the Bridges of Ross.

Tuesday 24th May 2005
One first year Iceland Gull and one first year Glaucous Gull at Loop Head.
Thousands of Manx Shearwaters streamed past the Bridges of Ross.

Monday 23rd May 2005
One second year Ring-billed Gull was at Quilty.
One male Hen Harrier near the Hand in Mount Callan.
Male Hen Harrier © John N Murphy
Friday 14th May 2005
One male Ruff and one second year Ring-billed Gull were at Quilty beach.

Sunday 24th April 2005
A Cuckoo was reported calling on the Gort Road in Ennis.

Saturday 22nd April 2005
Two Grasshopper Warblers were singing at Fenloe Lake.
Three Blackcaps were calling at Fenloe Lake.
Two Blackcaps were singing at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Two Blackcaps were singing at Dromoland Castle.
Eight Whimbrel were at Islandavanna, Clarecastle.
One Short-eared Owl was still hunting over Inishcullen Hill in Shannon.

Thursday 20th April 2005
One Blackcap singing at Dromoland Castle.
Wednesday 19th April 2005
A Whitethroat was singing at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
There was also two Blackaps singing at Ballycar.
Two Blackcaps singing at Dromoland Castle.
House Martins had returned in numbers to Dromoland Castle.
Tuesday 18th April 2005
One adult Greenland White-fronted Goose at Ballyallia Lake.
There was one Blackcap at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Three Whooper Swans remained at Ballygireen.
Saturday 16th April 2005
The Little Gull was still at Ballyallia Lake.
Four Blackcaps were heard singing at Dromore Nature Reserve.
There were thousands of Manx Shearwaters off Loop Head.
Also at Loop Head there was a first year Glaucous and first year Iceland Gull.
At Cloghaun Lough, Loop Head there was a White Wagtail.
White Wagtail at Loop Head © John N Murphy
Wednesday 13th April 2005
One Short-eared Owl was seen hunting over Inishcullen Hill just outside Shannon Town.
Tuesday 12th April 2005
Three Little Egrets were seen flying over Kilnaboy near Corofin heading in the direction of Kilfenora.
Monday 11th April 2005
One first-winter Glaucous Gull was on the beach at Lurga Ponit, Seafield near Quilty.
Sunday 10th April 2005
There was a male Blackcap singing at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Another male Blackcap was still singing at Dromoland Castle.
Saturday 9th March 2005
There were three Ring-necked Ducks at Ballyallia Lake.   Two drakes and one hen.
It looked as if one of the males had paired off with the female.   There was also one
Little Gull at Ballyalia (Dermot Breen).
Thursday 7th April 2005
Five Waxwings remained on the Lahinch road in Ennis.
Tuesday 5th April 2005
One Long-eared Owl at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
One Swallow at Fenloe Lake.
Monday 4th April 2005
There were two Swallows at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus. 
One male Blackcap was singing at Granaghan Castle, Fenloe Lake, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
A female Ring-necked Duck was at Lough Inchiquin, Corofin (John N Murphy).
Over 50 Great Northern Divers were off Black Head along with one summer plumaged
Black-throated Diver and a Puffin.
One of two Swallows at Ballycar © John N Murphy
Sunday 3rd April 2005
The male Blackcap was still singing at Dromoland Castle.
Friday 1st April 2005
Male Ring-necked Duck was still at Ballyallia Lake (John Rattigan).
Thursday 31st March 2005
One singing Blackcap at Dromoland Castle.
There were four Swallows at Spanish Point.  These were the first of the year for Clare.
Wednesday 30th March 2005
There were 14 Waxwings on the Lahinch Road in Ennie.
One drake Ring-necked Duck was at Ballyallia Lake in Ennis (Stan Nugent).
There were 36 Gadwall at Lough Gash, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Six Little Egrets were at Poulnasherry Bay.
There was ten Chough near Loop Head.
Drake Ring-necked Duck with Tufted Ducks at Ballyallia Lake © Stan Nugent
Tuesday 29th March 2005
Four Waxwings were on the Lahinch Road in Ennis.
One Chiffchaff was heard singing in Ennis.
One Short-eared Owl at the Shannon Airport Lagoon (Dave Halliday).
Monday 28th March 2005
One male Blackcap still singing at Dromoland Castle.
Sunday 27th March 2005
One male Blackcap singing at Dromoland Castle.
Saturday 26th March 2005
One Willow Warbler singing at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Thursday 24th March 2005.
One male Blackcap was again seen at Ballyallia Lake in Ennis.
Wednesday 23rd March 2005
The flock of 26 Waxwings were at the Glor Car Park in Ennis.
Four Little Egrets were at the Shannon Airport Lagoon.
One Willow Warbler was at Ballycar, Newmarket–on-Fergus.
One eastern Jackdaw was at Shannon Town (Stan Nugent).
Waxwing working his way through berries in Ennis © John N Murphy
Tuesday 22nd March 2005
A flock of 26 Waxwings were on the Clonroad in Ennis.
Another 16 Waxwings were 1 mile south of Cratloe.
Three Little Egrets at Poulnasherry Bay.
One male Hen Harrier near Kilrush.
Monday 21st March 2005.
One Chiffchaff was heard singing at Clarecastle.
Sunday 20th March 2005
One Sandmartin at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Saturday 19th February 2005
There were four Wheatears at Quilty.
One Wheatear was at Loop Head along with the first House Martin of the year.
There was also a large number of auks and Manx Shearwaters off Loop Head.
Two Little Egrets at Moyasta, Poulnasherry Bay.
One male Blackcap at Ballyallia Lake.
Thursday 17th March 2005
Two Little Egrets at Kildysart.
Sunday 13th March 2005
There were 53 Waxwings at the Shannon Industrial Estate.
Sunday 6th March 2005
108 Brent Geese at Doorus, North Clare.
Saturday 5th March 2005
One Little Egret at Kildysart.
Saturday 26th February 2005
Thirty Waxwings were at the Hermitage in Ennis.
Thirty-four Waxwings were in the Shannon Industrial Estate, Shannon Town.
Friday 25th February 2005
There was one female Eider off Finvarra Point, north Clare.
Tuesday 22nd February 2005
Ten Waxwings remained at the Hermitage, Ennis.
Monday 21st February 2005
There were 30 Waxwings at the Hermitage in Ennis.
Waxwing at the Hermitage Ennis © John N Murphy
Thursday 17th February 2005
One Barn Owl along the Watery Road Ennis.
Tuesday 15th February 2005
One Chiffchaff singing at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Six Woodcock outside Corofin.

Monday 14th February 2005
Three Black-throated Divers off Bishops Quarter near Ballyvaughan.
Three Common Sandpipers at the pier in Clarecastle.

Common Sandpiper © John N Murphy
Sunday 13th February 2005
One female Ring-necked Duck at Ballyallia Lake (Tim Griffin).
One Twite at Bishop’s Quarter near Ballyvaughan in North Clare.
One pure white albinistic Great Northern Diver off Black Head.
Tuesday 8th February 2005
There were seven Little Egrets roosting in pine trees near Moyasta, Poulnasherry Bay.
Little Egret © John N Murphy

Sunday 6th February 2005
The six Waxwings were still along the Gort Road in Ennis.

Saturday 5th February 2005
One Black Redstart at Kilrush Marina.
Six Waxwings on the Gort Road in Ennis.
Thursday 3rd February 2005
One Kingfisher at Drehednagowan, Ennis.
Sunday 30th January 2005
Single sightings of Little Egrets at Labasheeda, Querrin and Poulnasherry Bay.
Friday 28th January 2005
One Chiffchaff at Oak Park in Ennis.
Sunday 23rd January 2005
At Castle Point, Kilkee there were ten Snow Buntings.
One Common Sandpiper and one Merlin were at Labasheeda.
One female Hen Harrier was at Kilbaha, Loop Head.
Sunday 22nd January 2005
One Sandwich Tern and two Black-throated Divers were off the pier at Ballyvaughan.
Twelve more Black Throated Divers were seen along the Flaggy shore and Aughinish Island area of north Clare.
Friday 21st January 2005
At Kilkee eleven Iceland Gulls were found in a field on the coast road just south of the town.
There were three Glaucous Gulls on the beach in Kilkee town.
At Aughinish Island in north Clare were two Black-throated Divers and one Black Redstart.  

Glaucous Gull (c) John N Murphy
Sunday 13th January 2005
One adult Iceland Gull on the beach at Quilty.
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Whimbrel Migration Information

Migration Details 2005

23rd April 2005
Three Whimbrel at Ballycar.

22nd April 2005
There were 8 Whimbrel at Islandavanna near Clarecastle.

These were the first reported for Clare in 2005.

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January to March 2006

Rare & Scarce Bird News for Clare
Seawatchers at the Bridges of Ross © Joe DoolanRare Bird Sightings


All records of national rarities (see Irish Birds 4: 116 – 118 for complete list, and Irish Birds 4: 258 – 260,
5: 80 for amendments to list) should be sent for assessment to Irish Rare Birds Committee (IRBC).
This should be done as soon as possible after the bird has been found.
Prompt submission facilitates assessment and helps to ensure early publication.
Rarity description forms can be obtained by sending a S.A.E. to the secretary
Mr. Paul Milne, 100 Dublin Road, Sutton, Dublin 13 or
All local and scarce bird sightings, should be sent to the county recorder:
John Murphy, Applewood, Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus, Clare or
List of Contributors:
Julia Baer, Cillian Boyd, Lorraine Benson, Dermot Breen, Austin Cooney, Mike Davis,
Shane Farrell, Brian Finnegan, Charles Glynn, Kieran Grace, Tim Griffin, Tom & Nuala Lynch,
Finbarr Mac Gabhann, Ken MacKenzie, Stewart Holohan, Tomas McCoy, Andrew, Maeve & Christy Meehan,
John N Murphy, Barry O’Donoghue, Colin Perkins, John Rattigan, Billy Ryan, Oliver Shine, Stan Nugent,
Andy Woods, Iza Zawadzka



Recent SightingsSaturday 25th March 2006
One drake Ring-necked Duck was at Ballyallia Lake this afternoon (John N Murphy et al).
A drake Green-winged Teal was at Bell Harbour.
A dark-bellied Brent Goose was at Lough Murree, near the Flaggy Shore.
There were 15 Black-throated Divers between Finvarra Point and Aughinish Island.
One Red-necked Grebe was off Doorus Pier near Aughinish Island along with one
Long-tailed Duck and one Sandwich Tern.
Great Northern Diver John N Murphy

Thursday 23rd March 2006
There was a Merlin at Quilty today.

Wednesday 22nd March 2006
There were five Wheatears near Tullig, Cross in west Clare today.
A count of 11 Little Egrets was had at Moyasta, Poulnasherry Bay.
There was a 2nd year Ring-billed Gull and two Common Sandpipers
at the Quay in Clarecastle today.

Thursday 16th March 2006
There were 30 Whoopers Swans on wet meadows
along the Cullenagh River just south of Cullenagh on the Ennistymon road.

Wednesday 15th March 2006
There was a Merlin near Knockhogan on the main
Quin to Ennis road.

Tuesday 14th March 2006
The drake Ring-necked Duck was at Ballyallia Lake  today (John N Murphy).
There were five Little Egrets at Poulnasherry Bay.

Sunday 12th March 2006
A second-winter Iceland Gull was at Ross Bay, Loop Head.
There were 93 Whoopers Swans between Latoon South and Ballygirreen.
There was one Chiffchaff at Pine Grove, Ennis.
Five Greylag Geese were at Finn Lough, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Friday 10th March 2006
A drake Ring-necked Duck was on Ballyiallia lake today (S. Nugent)
The 15 White-fronted Geese were at Tullagher Bog today.

Wednesday 8th March 2006
A Common Sandpiper was seen in Clarecastle.

Sunday 5th March 2006
There were three female Ring-necked Ducks
at Knockalough, Kilmihil (John N Muphy et al).
There was one Crossbill at Boolynagleragh Bog.
There were 13 Snow Buntings at Loop Head.
Two Little Egrets and the white Curlew were
at Poulnasherry Bay.

Three female Ring-necked Ducks at Knockalough ©  John N Murphy

Saturday 4th March 2006
The drake Green-winged Teal was still at Querrin (Maeve & Christy Meehan).
A group of 24 Red-throated Divers were off Querrin Point.
There were three Black-throated Divers off Finvarra Point.
The Black Redstart was still in Kilrush.
The Barn Owl was seen again in Kilkee.

Friday 3rd March 2006
The Barn Owl was one again seen hunting in Kilkee.

Thursday 2nd March 2006
One Jack Snipe was flushed at Ballyallia Lake.
There was one Black-throated Diver at Liscannor Bay with
two more birds off the rocky beach in Clahane.
A Barn Owl was seen hunting late this night at Kilkee.
A male Hen Harrier was seen west of Connolly.
A first winter Iceland Gull was at Lough O’Donnell, Quilty.

Wednesday 1st March 2006
Two Black-throated Divers were between Cappa and Aylevarroo, Kilrush.
A female Blackcap was in the Hermitage, Ennis.

Tuesday 28th February 2006
There was a drake Green-winged Teal at Querrin and another
drake was at Bell harbour.
Two Little Egrets were at Poulnasherry Bay.
Partial albino Pied Wagtail in Kilkee,
this bird has been around for a few years ©  Iza Zawadzka

Sunday 26th February 2006
A male and female Blackcap were still at Oak Park, Ennis.

Saturday 25th February 2006
There was a Black Redstart at Liscannor.
Six Black-throated Divers and 20 Long-tailed Ducks
were seen along the Flaggy Shore in North Clare.
A Dark-bellied Brent Goose was in lough Murree.

Friday 24th February 2006
One male and one female Blackcap were in Oak Park, Ennis.

Thursday 23rd February 2006
A male and a female Blackcap were seen feeding in a gadren
in Oak Park, Ennis.

Wednesday 22nd February 2006
There was a drake Green-winged Teal at Querrin today (Maeve Meehan).

Tuesday 21st February 2006
There was a Merlin 2km east of Kilrush today.

Monday 20th February 2006
One Jay was seen North of Finn Lough, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Saturday 18th February 2006
An adult Ring-billed Gull was at Ballyvaughan.
There were seven Black-throated Divers and four
Long-tailed Duck near the Flaggy Shore today.

Friday 17th February 2006
There were two Jays north of Ardnacrusha.

Tuesday 14th January 2006
There was a Red Grouse at Woodcock Hill, Cratloe this afternoon.
One Water Rail was at Ballycar Lough, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Monday 13th February 2006
There was a Jack Snipe near Ballycar North, Ardnacrusha.
One Woodcock was at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Sunday 12th February 2006
The male Ring-necked Duck was at Lough Inchiquin, Corofin today (Meehan Family),
along with two Hen Harriers and seven Bewick’s Swans.
There was a female Hen Harrier at Islandavanna, Clarecastle.
One first-winter Iceland Gull was at Quilty.
One Little Egret was in Doonbeg Bay.
There was one Jay at Cappateemore East, north of Parteen today.

Saturday 11th February 2006
There were four Crossbills near Kylemore, Sallybank, Broadford.
One male Crossbill was at Kilnacreagh along with four Raven.

Friday 10th February 2006
There was a female Black Redstart on the peir at Seafield, Quilty.
Four Crossbills were at Gallowshill with one pair building a nest.
Black Redstart © Stan Nugent

Thursday 9th February 2006
There was a female Merlin at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
One male Merlin was seen hunting over the road at Toonagh Cross, Ennis.
One Dipper was spotted at the Rine River in Quin.

Wednesday 8th February 2006
There was a Jay at Moneennagliggin South, near Meelick this morning.

Tuesday 7th February 2006
There was one Jay near Glenwood, east of Sixmilebridge.

Monday 6th February 2006
There was a Barn Owl at Ballycasey, Shannon tonight.
One male Blackcap was seen just outside Quin village.

Sunday 5th February 2006
A drake Ring-necked Duck was at Lough Inchiquin (Maeve Meehan).
There were 15 Crossbills and 35 Siskins at Kilnacreagh this morning.
One 2nd-winter Iceland Gull was at Clahane, Liscannor.
Two Little Egrets were at Blackwier Bridge, Poulnasherry Bay.

Friday 3rd February 2006
There was a Carrion Crow and one Jay near Cratloe this morning.

Thursday 2nd February 2006
One female Crossbill was in a small wood near Castlecrine
east of Sixmilebridge.
One Dipper was on the River below the bridge at Sixmilebridge.

Tuesday 31st January 2006
There was one male Blackcap and a Kingfisher near Parteen Today.
One Black-throated Diver was in Kilkee Bay.

Monday 30th January 2006
Two Common Sandpipers were at the Quay in Clarecastle.
There was one Little Egret at poulnasherry Bay.
One male Black Redstart was at Kilrush.
Black Redstart at Kilrush © Charles Glynn

Sunday 29th Janaury 2006
One female Hen Harrier flew over Applewood, Ballycar
Newmarket-on-Fergus this morning.
Another female Hen Harrier was seen near Doonbeg this afternoon.
A count of 67 Whooper Swans were at Ballygireen.
The drake Ringed-necked Duck was at Ballyiallia lake (Austin Cooney & Brian Finnegan).
There was one Common Sandpiper and one Green Sandpiper
at the Quay in Clarecastle.

Saturday 28th January 2006
There were 15 Black-throated Divers off Finvarra Point and the Flaggy Shore.
Between Traugh Beach and the Flaggy shore there were 90 Black Guillemots
and 32 Long-tailed Ducks.
One Velvet Scoter was mixed in with a flock of 30 Common Scoters
off Aughinish Island.
There were also 50 Great Northern Divers and 30 Brent Geese along the
North Clare coast today.
Brent Geese at NorthClare © John N Murphy

Friday 27th January 2006
There were 11 Crossbills at Kilnacreagh Wood this afternoon.
Ten Graylag Geese flew into Ballycar Lough this morning.

Thursday 26th January 2006
Onme drake Ring-necked Duck at Ballyallia Lake,
Ennis ( Finbarr Mac Gabhann & Kieran Grace).

Tuesday 24th January 2006
The male Blackcap was still at Oak Park.

Monday 23rd January 2006
There was a male Blackcap at Oak Park, Ennis.

Sunday 22nd January 2006
Only the male Ring-necked Duck was seen today
at Ballyallia Lake (Austin Cooney & John N Murphy).
One male Blackcap was North of Sixmilebridge.
There were two Common Sandpipers and one Jack Snipe
on the Owenogarney River near Bunratty.
Drake Ring-necked Duck at Ballyallia lake © John N Murphy

Saturday 21st January 2006
The Common Sandpiper was once again at Clarecastle

Friday 20th January 2006
One Common Sandpiper was on the pier in Clarecastle.
The two Ring-necked Ducks were still at Ballyallia Lake (John N Murphy).

Thursday 19th January 2006
The female Blackcap was still at Balymacahill on the Tulla Road, Ennis.

Wednesday 18th January 2006
There was a female Blackcap at Ballymacahill, Ennis.

Tuesday 17th January 2006
There were three Crossbills at Kilnacreagh, east of Sixmilebridge.
One Little Egret was at Tullyvarraga Marsh in Shannon,
while at nearby Saint’s Island and Tradaree Point there
was a large flock of 2,500 Golden Plover and 2,000 Lapwing.

Monday 16th January 2006
There were two Ring-necked Ducks at Ballyallia, one drake
and one hen (Stan Nugent).
One Jay was at Sixmilebridge.
One male Blackcap was still at Oak Park, Ennis.
A flock of 35 Greylag Geese were at Ballycar Lake, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Sunday 15th January 2006
One female Blackcap was at Shannon Town.
There was a male Blackcap at Oak Park, Ennis.
There was a male Hen Harrier at Tullagher Bog.
There were 17 Greylag Geese at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Saturday 14th January 2006
There was a first-winter Iceland Gull at Quilty.
Ten Snow Buntings were near the Martello Tower on Aughinish
Island in North Clare.
A flock of 204 Brent Geese were in fields adjacent to Lough
Murree near the Flaggy Shore in North Clare this afternoon.
There were 125 Barnacle Geese on Mutton Island while another
50 were seen on Illaunonauran near Kilkee.
One Little Egret was at Doonbeg.
The Greenland White-fronted Goose flock at Tullagher Bog is
down to just 15 birds.  At the rate they are dropping off in
three years there will probably be no more birds at this site.
Iceland Gull at Quilty © John N Murphy

Friday 13th January 2006
Female Blackcap at Ballymacahill, Ennis.

Tuesday 10th January 2006
Female Blackcap at Ballymacahill, Ennis.

Saturday 7th January 2006
There was one male and one female Blackcap at Oak Park, Ennis.
There were ten Crossbills in pine woods just North of Flagmont, near Lough Graney.
A flock of 60 Reed Buntings were also seen going to roost in a recently felled wood
just North of Flagmont.

Friday 6th January 2006
There was one Jackdaw of the Scandinavian race at Ballycar this morning.
One Little Egret fed in drains near Meelick this afternoon.
There were three Jays at the Lees Wood Road.

Thursday 5th January 2006
There was one Jay at Kilrush Woods.
A flock of 50 Siskins were on the Kilrush road just outside Ennis.
The female Blackcap was still at Ballymacahill, on the Tulla Road.

Wednesday 4th January 2006
One Common Sandpiper on the quayside in Clarecastle.

Monday 2nd January 2006
There was a 2nd winter Iceland Gull at Clahane.
A 1st winter Iceland Gull was at Quilty.

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Pied-billed Grebe

Pied-billed Grebe    Podilymbus podiceps 
Rare North American vagrant.
1997:    One at Cloghaun Lough, Loop Head from 11th to 13th December.
             This was only the fifth Irish record at that time and a first for the county.
 Pied-billed Grebe John N Murphy 
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Red-necked Grebe

Red-necked Grebe   Podiceps grisegena  
Regular winter visitor.
2005:    One adult in summer plumage at Poulnasherry Bay on February.
1999:    One at Ross Bay, Loop Head on 20th October.
             One at Ballyvaughan on 20th November.
1998:    One at Aughinish Island on 22nd January.
             One at Poulnasherry Bay on 15th November.
1997:    One at Poulnasherry Bay on 19th January.
             One at Ballyvaughan on 8th and 9th March.
1996:    One at Aughinish Island on 3rd March.
1994:    Two at Ballyvaughan throughout January.
1993:    One at Shannon Airport on 16th and 17th January.
             One at Ballyvaughan on 16th October.
1992:    One at Aughinish Island on 19th January.
1989:    One at Ballyvaughan on 19th February.
1988:    One at Ballyvaughan on 20th February.
1968:    Two at Labasheeda Bay on 29th December.
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Horned (Slavonian) Grebe


 Horned (Slavonian) Grebe   Podiceps auritus  
Scarce winter visitor.
1997:    Two Poulnasherry Bay 19th January, one 25th October.
1996:    One at Parteen on 21st September.
               Two at Poulnasherry Bay on 25th October.
1995:    One at Ballyvaughan from 25th February to 19th March.
1994:    Two at Aughinish Island on 26th February.
1998:    Two at Aughinish Island on 24th January.
1993:    One at Liscannor Bay on 24th January.
               One at Moyasta, Poulnasherry Bay on 28th November.
1992:    Three at Aughinish Island on 11th January, with four there on 19th January.
               One at Liscannor Bay on 19th & 20th December.
               Two at Aughinish Island on 28th December.
1990:    One at Ballyvaughan on 29th December.
1989:    A pair at Lough Graney on 24th January.
1987:    One at Ballyvaughan on 1st January.
1985:    One at Quilty on 13th March.
1983:    Three at New Quay on 22nd January.
1982:    Two at New Quay on 4th December.
               One at Labasheeda Bay on 20th November.
1966:    One at Scarriff Bay, Lough Derg on 26th December.
1948:    One at Ballyvaughan Pier on 17th February.
1907:    One at Ballyvaughan on 25th March.

Slavonian Grebe © John N Murphy

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Black-necked Grebe

Black-necked Grebe   Podiceps nigricollis
Rare vagrant.
1997:    The first county record made a short appearance
 at Poulnasherry Bay on 25th October.
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