One male Marsh Harrier was at Ballyallia Lake. (John N Murphy)
Two Puffins were at the outer edge of Liscannor Bay (Jeff Copner)
Over 40 Sandmartins were at Ballyallia Lake.(James Organ)
There were 10 Sandmartins at Lough Gash.(JNM)
Sunday 19th March 2023
Saturday 18th March 2023
The five Ring-necked Ducks were still at Kilkee Reservoir. (Chris Cullen)
Friday 17th March 2023
The Glaucous Gull was at Kilkee Strand. (Dixie Collins)
The three Barnacle Geese moved on Illaunonearaun. (DC)
Three Snow Buntings were at the tip of Loop Head. (DC)
One male Hen Harrier was at Tullig. (DC)
One Buzzard was near Fountain Cross. (James Organ)
Thursday 16th March 2023
The three White-tailed Eagles were still near Tubber. (Maura Crowe)
The Glaucous Gull and one Carrion Crow were still at Kilkee. (John N Murphy, Stan Nugent & Paidi Cullinan)
One Merlin was near Dunlickey. (JNM, PC & SN)
One littoralis Rock Pipit was in Kilbaha Harbour. (JNM, SN & PC)
There were 15 Yellowhammer at garden feeders at Rinnamona.(Mary Thompson)
Saturday 18th March 2023
Eleven Sand Martins were on the Shannon at Limerick City (TT)
The sub-adult Iceland Gull was at Harvey’s Quay (TT).
Wednesday 15th February 2023
The five Ring-necked Ducks were still at Kilkee Reservoir. (John N Murphy)
The first-winter Glaucous Gull was at Kilkee Beach and 22 Chough were at Dunlickey. (JNM)
One Spotted Redshank was at Moyasta. (Paidi Cullinan)
Tuesday 14th March 2023
A Blackcap was in song on the nature trail at Aughinish Island (TT).
Two Buzzards were at Robertstown (TT).
Nine Pochard were at Westfields (John N Murphy).
Monday 13th March 2023
A drake Ring-necked Duck was at Ballyallia.(John N. Murphy)
A Common Sandpiper was at Clarecastle.(JNM)
A Buzzard and 42 Tufted Duck were at Lough Gash.(JNM)
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